The effect of the volume of hot water on cold water. By: Josh and Jessa
Purpose Does volume of hot water affect the temperature of ice cold water when mixed together?
Hypothesis The more hot water added to the cool water, the temperature will increase. See the fog???
Independent and Dependent Variables IV: Hot Water (mL DV: New Temperature (mL) Levels of IV: None20 mL25 mL30 mL35 mL40 mL45 mL
Constants The specific amounts of hot water The amount of cold water The same type of heat The same equipment
Procedures 1.Pour 20,25,30,35,40, or 45 mL of water into a beaker. 2.Heat the specific water amount to 90 degrees Celsius. 3.Add this to a prepared beaker that has 50 mL of ice cold water (with out ice). 4.Record temperature of the mix. 5.Repeat steps 1-4 for each amount of hot water intervals. Your set up should be similar to this!
Hot Water (mL)Temp. of 50 mL of cold water (degrees Celsius) Temp. of mixed (degrees Celsius) None
Results (continued)
Summary of Data According to the data, when adding more amounts of hot water to the cold water, the temperature increased by approximately 2.66 degrees Celsius as 5 more mL of hot water was put into the cold water. The hypothesis, the more hot water added to the cool water, the temperature will increase, was proven to be correct. By looking at our data, volume does effect the outcome. This leads us to ask if we would do more hot water than cold water, would the temperature go higher or lower? We also would want to know if the temperature would stop at 100 degrees Celsius like when boiling water?