The Principles of Training. Mr. P. Leighton St Mary’s High School. GCSE.
Today’s Session… Marking of Test- How did you do? Peer-to-peer marking- do you know what makes a good answer? Continue work on the Principles of Training- What are they? H/W for Friday…
Skill related and Health related fitness test. Look through your test now and take a guess at what mark you got. Pencil it in on the front cover- is it at your predicted grade? Pass your paper to someone else in the group ready for the P2P marking.
The Principles of Training. P_________ O__________ R_________ R_________ F_________ I_________ T________
Specificity… “Matching the training to the requirements of the activity” “Horses for Courses” Q: This leads on from our work on HRF and SRF- How? A: Rugby Union players all need to have a good level of Cardiovascular Fitness (HRF) and Co-ordination (SRF) but forwards need to train strength for scrums and backs need to be Agile to compliment their Speed to outwit a defender.
Progressive Overload… This used to be 2 parts (Progression) and (Overload). Overload is not a bad thing- it is not too much or going too hard! Q: What does it mean? A: Gradually increasing the amount of overload so as to gain fitness without injury.
Progressive Overload in Action… Relates to all areas of HRF. Write a statement using an area of HRE to describe Progressive Overload.
Rest and Recovery… The two terms are closely linked… how? Rest- time allotted to recover Recovery- time required to repair damage caused to the body. When entering into training or competition the body ADAPTS to allow for future punishing sessions.
H/W: The F.I.T.T. Principle. Research and understand (for Friday) the F.I.T.T. Principle. The letters all stand for something- they are all important within a training session. This H/W will also be important for your PEP (which we will start soon!) Ensure this is your best work.
The F.I.T.T. Principle… Frequency Intensity Time Type But what do these mean to us? Make a poster for the wall on the FITT Principle.
Intensity- Reviewed… Q: Write down 3 ways in which intensity can be increased in a session/ Programme… A: 1) ______________________ 2) ______________________ 3) ______________________
Reversibility… “Use it or Lose it” Gradual loss of fitness instead of progressing or staying the same. How does this happen? A: Illness or Injury Some people retain these levels for longer- this may be because of better fitness levels. Some people deteriorate quicker due to severity of injury. This is the “Bad” principle of training.
Reversibility in Sport… Ledley King- Injuries so bad he cannot train as often as his team mates- he will never reach the fitness levels he once had at his peak. Andy Farrell- Former Wigan RL and England RU player- injured so much at the end of his career he had to retire at 32.
Key words from today… Any Questions? See you Friday