300 mm ICP-RIE equipment for high performances and low CoO Corial 360IL 12/27/2018 300 mm ICP-RIE equipment for high performances and low CoO Wide process range for Silicon, Metals, III-V and II-VI compounds Industry-leading uniformity and repeatability Large batch capacity with 23x2”, 7x4’’ or 3x6’’ wafer handling Corial 360IL
System description Corial 360IL
COMPACT FOOTPRINT System description General View 12/27/2018 960 750 357 1760 600 460 550 390 500 190 200 COMPACT FOOTPRINT Corial 360IL
System description ICP reactor Load lock Pumping system 12/27/2018 Detailed View ICP reactor Load lock Pumping system (TMP 1600l/s and dry pump 110 m3/h) Chiller / Heater Process controller HV and LV power supplies 2000 W ICP generator 2000 W RF generator Corial 360IL
< 240 s Vacuum robot Shuttle System description Loading 12/27/2018 LOADING TIME Vacuum robot FAST AND REPEATABLE LOAD AND UNLOAD Shuttle EASY EXCHANGE BETWEEN SUBSTRATE SHAPE AND SIZE Corial 360IL
ICP source corial 360IL
FAST AND UNIFORM ETCHING ICP source 12/27/2018 Load lock to run fluorinated and chlorinated chemistries in the same process recipe Load lock for stable and repeatable process conditions RF match box with matching range up to 2000 W Optimized gas injection with top gas inlets, allowing fast etch rates and excellent uniformities Uniform temperature control (from -50°C) for best repeatability Hot walls (>250°C) minimize polymer condensation for selective processes Shuttle holding to minimize process cross-contamination FAST AND UNIFORM ETCHING GaAs 500 nm/min Sapphire 75 nm/min GaN 200 nm/min … Corial 360IL
Plasma heats the wafers ICP source 12/27/2018 Operation Sequence 2 KW RF Generator at 2 MHz Match Box Aluminum enclosure Window PLASMA Gas shower Helium Cathode Coolant OUT Coolant IN Quartz Shuttle for 7 x 4’’ or 3 x 6 Plasma heats the wafers Heat is transferred to shuttle and to the cooled cathode by He pressure at 5 Torr Corial 360IL
Shuttle holding approach corial 360IL
Shuttle holding approach 12/27/2018 Portfolio Quartz shuttle Wafers Aluminum table with o-rings < 1 MM EDGE EFFECT Shuttle Metal fingers wafers Aluminum table with o-rings >5,000 RUNS CARRIER LIFETIME Corial 360IL
Shuttle holding approach 12/27/2018 Benefits VERY CLEAN AND SHARP FINGER PRINT At 1 mm from finger At 2 mm from finger At 3 mm from finger At finger Place From Wafer Edge At 1 mm from Top At 2 mm from Top At 3 mm from Top NO DISCOLOR AT WAFER EDGE Corial 360IL
Performances ICP-rie processes corial 360IL
Pss application CUSTOMERS’ SPECIFICATIONS FOR 6’’ PSS ETCHING Features 12/27/2018 CUSTOMERS’ SPECIFICATIONS FOR 6’’ PSS ETCHING Features Specifications Profile angle 50 – 60° Midpoint d = 100 ± 20 nm PSS Height Gap < 50 nm gap PSS Width Gap < 70 nm gap Throughput (Wafers / h) 2.5 Throughput (Wafers / month) > 1700 Corial 360IL
Pss application CORIAL Conical PSS SHAPE 1.78 ± 0.045 µm 12/27/2018 SEM Results CORIAL Conical PSS SHAPE W1 W2 W4 PSS HEIGHT UNIFORMITY 1.78 ± 0.045 µm PSS WIDTH UNIFORMITY 2.79 ± 0.045 µm Top Centre Flat Corial 360IL
Pss application CORIAL Triangle PSS SHAPE 1.665 ± 0.035 µm 12/27/2018 SEM Results CORIAL Triangle PSS SHAPE PSS HEIGHT UNIFORMITY 1.665 ± 0.035 µm PSS WIDTH UNIFORMITY 2.758 ± 0.035 µm Top 5 mm Centre Flat 5 mm Corial 360IL
STD OF BATCH REFLECTIVITY Pss application 12/27/2018 Unimap Results CORIAL RUN TO RUN REPEATABILITY No RF Avg RF Std 1 3.506 0.329 6 3.365 0.257 7 3.571 0.322 0.2 AVERAGE WAFER STD 0.20 STD OF BATCH REFLECTIVITY Corial 360IL
Pss application 4’’ and 6’’ wafers Configuration Etch time 12/27/2018 Throughput 4’’ and 6’’ wafers Configuration Etch time Cleaning time Loading Time Total Time Throughput (Wafers / h) 4” wafer 38 min 7 min 3 min 48 min > 8 6” wafer 45 min 50 min > 3 Throughput calculations for 1.7 µm high sapphire patterns Reactor manual cleaning after 1,000 µm of sapphire etch 1hour manual cleaning + 2 dummy runs after cleaning = Production stopped for 2 hours Corial 360IL
30° > 15 1.1 SELECTIVITY 200 NM/MIN < ±5 % 1.2 µm etch depth Mesa application 12/27/2018 CORIAL’s Advantage 200 NM/MIN GAN ETCH RATE 30° ETCH PROFILE > 15 6’’ WAFERS/HOUR 1.1 SELECTIVITY < ±5 % UNIFORMITY 1.2 µm etch depth Corial 360IL
Throughput calculations for 1.2 µm high GaN patterns Mesa application 12/27/2018 Throughpput 4’’ and 6’’ wafers Configuration Etch time Cleaning time Loading Time Total Time Throughput (Wafers / h) 4” wafer 7 min 1 min 4 min 12 min > 36 6” wafer 8 min 13 min > 15 Throughput calculations for 1.2 µm high GaN patterns Corial 360IL
35° 18 > 1.1 SELECTIVITY 200 NM/MIN < ± 5 % 7 µm etch depth Iso application 12/27/2018 CORIAL’s Advantage 200 NM/MIN GAN ETCH RATE 35° ETCH PROFILE 18 WAFERS/HOUR > 1.1 SELECTIVITY < ± 5 % UNIFORMITY 7 µm etch depth Corial 360IL
Throughput calculations for 7 µm high GaN patterns Iso application 12/27/2018 Throughput 4’’ and 6’’ wafers Configuration Etch time Cleaning time Loading Time Total Time Throughput (Wafers / h) 4” wafer 36 min 2 min 4 min 42 min > 9 6” wafer > 4 Throughput calculations for 7 µm high GaN patterns Corial 360IL
usability corial 360IL
Process control software 12/27/2018 COSMA COSMA CORIAL OPERATING SYSTEM FOR MACHINE The simplest, most efficient software to develop processes, operate, and maintain CORIAL systems DESKTOP APPLICATION Process Editing I Process Adjustment I Process Operation I Process Tracability I System Maintenance REMOTE CONTROL Corial D250 / D250L
Reprocessing software 12/27/2018 COSMA RS DISPLAY UP TO 4 PARAMETERS FROM A RUN Simple and efficient software to analyze process runs and accelerate process development REMOTE ANALYSIS OF RUNS DRAG AND DROP CURVES TO CHECK PROCESS REPEATABILITY Corial 360IL
300 mm ICP-RIE equipment for high performances and low CoO Corial 360IL 12/27/2018 300 mm ICP-RIE equipment for high performances and low CoO Wide process range for Silicon, Metals, III-V and II-VI compounds Industry-leading uniformity and repeatability Large batch capacity with 23x2”, 7x4’’ or 3x6’’ wafer handling Corial 360IL