Water Demand Management Role Play Regional Training of Trainers Workshop National Water Resources Institute, Kaduna, Nigeria 6 – 10 December 2004 West Africa Network for Capacity Building in Integrated Water Resources Management Olusanjo Bamgboye National Water Resources Institute, Kaduna, Nigeria
S12-Water Demand Mgt. Olusanjo Bamgboye 8 Dec Objectives of the Role play to illustrate and create awareness on: –concepts of demand management –possible measures in demand management –potential effect of single measures –relation between measures –relation between different stakeholders –importance of communication.
S12-Water Demand Mgt. Olusanjo Bamgboye 8 Dec Urban Water Demand is a Function of 1.Numbers of users 2.Growth rate of users 3.Water use rates 4.Price 5.Water conservation practice 6.Climate variation 7.Seasonal changes 8.Sewer use charges
S12-Water Demand Mgt. Olusanjo Bamgboye 8 Dec Irrigation Water Demand a Function of: 1.Number of farmers 2.Crops types and crop hectare 3.Cropping pattern 4.Irrigation system (efficiency) 5.Evapo-transpiration 6.Drainage policy and system efficiency 7.Water conservation practices
S12-Water Demand Mgt. Olusanjo Bamgboye 8 Dec Set-up of the Role play - 1 Participants represent institutions: –the River Basin Authority, –the Water Supply Utility, –the Irrigation District. The institutions formulate measures. The effects of the measures are simulated by a mathematical model of the water resources system.
S12-Water Demand Mgt. Olusanjo Bamgboye 8 Dec Set-up of the Role play - 2 Institutions manage water quantity and quality. The measures influence the performance of the water-dependent economic sectors: Agriculture, Industry and Fisheries.
S12-Water Demand Mgt. Olusanjo Bamgboye 8 Dec The Water Resources System
S12-Water Demand Mgt. Olusanjo Bamgboye 8 Dec Water Supply and Deficit, City
S12-Water Demand Mgt. Olusanjo Bamgboye 8 Dec Water Supply and Deficit, Irrigation
S12-Water Demand Mgt. Olusanjo Bamgboye 8 Dec Volume of the Reservoir
S12-Water Demand Mgt. Olusanjo Bamgboye 8 Dec Performance of Economic Sectors
S12-Water Demand Mgt. Olusanjo Bamgboye 8 Dec Tasks of the Institutions to balance supply and demand; the supply cannot be increased, the projected demand has to be decreased to have institutions which are financially healthy on the long term to have prosperous economic sectors (agriculture, fisheries and industry)
S12-Water Demand Mgt. Olusanjo Bamgboye 8 Dec The River Basin Authority Responsibilities: –Operate and maintain WRS components: –Assure water quality of the Lake –Set price of water –Set waste water charges –Assist institutions to invest in water saving technologies –Make users aware of need to reduce water consumption
S12-Water Demand Mgt. Olusanjo Bamgboye 8 Dec Table 1 - Some planning figures for the RBA, for current policies
S12-Water Demand Mgt. Olusanjo Bamgboye 8 Dec The Irrigation District Responsibilities: –Efficient distribution and application of water –Invest in irrigation technology –Select cropping pattern –Set Irrigation Service Fee –Operate, maintain and invest in the irrigation canal network –Re-use irrigation drainage and city waste water
S12-Water Demand Mgt. Olusanjo Bamgboye 8 Dec Table 3: Some planning figures for the Irrigation District, for current policies
S12-Water Demand Mgt. Olusanjo Bamgboye 8 Dec The Water Supply Utility Responsibilities –Operate, maintain and invest in the city distribution system –Treat waste water –Set price of potable water –Set waste water charges –Assistance and advise to users
S12-Water Demand Mgt. Olusanjo Bamgboye 8 Dec Table 2 – Some planning figures for the WSU, for current policies
S12-Water Demand Mgt. Olusanjo Bamgboye 8 Dec Playing the Role play Steps in the role play: 1. study present and future state of the WRS 2. identify the problems and issues 3. formulate measures (input forms) 4. study and debate the output reports