Executive Branch
What is it? It’s the branch of the United States government that is responsible for carrying out the laws
What does it do? The executive branch is responsible for implementing the laws that are created by the legislative branch (the Senate and House of Representatives). The head of the executive branch is the President of the United States
President…?! :O The President? His role is acting as the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. If the President is unable to serve out his term the .Vice-President will take over, making him another important member of the executive branch His role is acting as the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. If the President is unable to serve out his term the, Vice-President will take over, making him another important member of the executive branch
Who’s in it? It consists of the president, the vice president and 15 Cabinet-level executive departments. Like the Department of Education and Department of Agriculture , etc..
It also.. supervises the operations of the different departments such as Finance, Social Welfare, Defense and others. It has direct control over the local governments units to ensure that the needs of the people are attended to by the public servants.
Basically.. The purpose of the executive branch is to execute, enforce and administer the laws that Congress passes. The purpose of the executive branch is to execute, enforce and administer the laws that Congress passes.
Fun Fact #1 There are only 2 nationally elected public officials in the executive office, the president and vice president
Fun Fact # 2 The cabinet is made up of the heads of 15 executive offices. They are appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate. These men work under the president and are responsible for the different aspects of the government.