Lecture 22 Outline: 1st Half Sex and the Law perspectives: “legalism” versus “humanism” morality-based versus harm based Should prostitution be legal (or decriminalized)? -Canadian approach, other countries III) Other sex laws: fornication, sodomy, adultery
Laws against: Fornication Sodomy Adultery Canada no no no Fornication Sodomy Adultery Canada no no no U.S. (pre 2003) yes yes yes England no no no Italy no no no Japan no no no China yes yes yes India no yes yes Egypt yes yes yes Mexico no yes yes Brazil no no yes South Africa no yes yes
Lecture 22 Outline: 2nd Half Sexuality and Religion Different Religious Traditions i) Taoism, Hinduism (kama) ii) Christianity (dualism) -non-reproductive sex, homosexuality II) Religious teachings as “laws” or personal guidance? -religion and Sexual behaviour
From Manlove et al. (2006) % sexually active before age 18 Family Religion Attendance Never 70% 1-2 times/month 61% Weekly 48% Denomination Evangelical Prot. 60% “Mainstream” Prot. 56% Catholic 56% Jewish 42% % Used Contraception, first intercourse Evangelical Prot. 75% “Mainstream” Prot. 79% Catholic 78% Jewish 90%
From Laumann et al. (1994) Women % almost always % reporting have orgasm very physically with partner satisfied Religion Catholic 27% 39% Protestant 27% 39% (general) Protestant 33% 44% (fundamentalist None 22% 35%