What is a protists? organism that is not a plant, animal, fungus, or prokaryote most single-celled 1st eukaryotic organism
Protozoans:animal like Zooflagellates: flagella Sarcodines: pseudopods, extensions of cytoplasm; amoeba Ciliates: move with cilia Sporozoans: don’t move
Animal-like Protists and Disease Malaria African Sleeping Sickness
Plantlike Protists: unicellular algae energy from sunlight Euglenophytes - two flagella, but no cell wall Chrysophytes - gold-colored chloroplasts
Plantlike Protists: unicellular algae Diatoms - thin, delicate cell walls made of silicon Dinoflagellates - ½ are photosynthetic, ½ are heterotrophs
Dinoflagellates & Algal Blooms Grow into large masses or blooms Decomposition depletes O2 kills fish and invertebrates Red Tide
Multicellular Algae Red Algae: coral reefs accessory pigment phycobilins absorbs blue light deep ocean
Brown Algae: giant kelp Accessory pigment: fucoxanthin largest and most complex algae marine, cool, shallow coastal waters of temperate or arctic areas
Green Algae Similar to plants store food as starch photosynthetic pigments cell wall store food as starch fresh & salt waters, and moist land areas sea lettuce
Human Uses of Algae Chemicals: stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, & arthritis Food: sushi, ice cream, salad dressing, pudding, candy bars, pancake syrups, and eggnog Industry: plastics, waxes, transistors, deodorants, paints, lubricants, and artificial wood
Fungus Like Protists heterotrops Slime Mold - play a key role in recycling organic matter found in damp places rich in organic matter forest floor or compost pile
Fungi like Protists Water Mold - thrive on dead or decaying organic matter in water and some are plant parasites on land Potato Blight