Marine Planning and Policy


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Presentation transcript:

Marine Planning and Policy SCOTTISH MARINE BILL David Palmer Marine Planning and Policy ASSG Conference 21th October 2009

Scottish Marine Bill Its implications for Scotland Framework Flexible – one size does not fit all Vision – making a difference Bill is designed to allow you to make a difference What is your vision

Parts 6 and 7 Enforcement powers General provisions

UK Marine Bill Some obvious differences ie things they do that we will won’t Coastal Access NDPB – Marine Management Organisation Various fishery things – inshore fisheries and Conservation Authorities

Devolution Additional devolution of planning and conservation powers out to 200nm. Checks and balances Have to agree the UK Marine Policy Statement Whitehall have to agree plans

Conclusions Bill is making progress RAE Committee broadly happy with the principles of the Bill Further work to be done in Stages 2 & 3 While Bill will deliver framework we all need to work together to deliver joined up considered stewardship of Scotland’s seas