Warm Up: What does it mean to adapt? How did Native Americans adapt to their environment?
Today’s Question: How did the people in the New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies adapt to their environment?
Agenda: In groups: Look at pictures, figure out how people in each region adapted to the land. Create annotated diagrams of the New England, Mid-Atlantic, and Southern Colonies
Colonial America Slides: We will look at 3 slides—one for each colonial region. You will have 1 minute to think about the picture and what life might be like in that region. Talk with your group and answer the questions for that region. Choose a presenter. The role of presenter will change after each slide so everyone will have a chance to present at least once. While other groups are presenting, listen carefully, and when appropriate, add new notes to your handout.
New England Colonies: Land: Climate: Farming: Other Economic Activities: Mid-Atlantic Colonies: Southern Colonies: Labor Force:
New England Colonies: Land: Climate: Farming: Other Economic Activities:
Mid-Atlantic Colonies: Land: Climate: Farming:
Southern Colonies: Land: Climate: Farming: Labor Force:
Annotated Diagrams: On the left side of your notebook, create three annotated diagrams of the climate, land, and adaptations made by settlers in the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. For each diagram, use words and symbols to describe the region’s land and climate, and the adaptations made by settlers living there.