Albedo… And humans impact on it
I am about to show you a then and now picture taken in Orem Utah I am about to show you a then and now picture taken in Orem Utah. The first picture is from approximately 100 years ago and the next picture was taken July 8, 2016. Complete each of the following: (write these instructions down) Analyze the 2 pictures. Make a note of major changes to albedo. Use Google Earth to look at the surrounding area from above. Make a note of major changes to albedo. The address these photos were taken from is approximately 1450 N 200 E in Orem Utah. (Write this down) Draw me a surface map of the area that shows how humans have changed the albedo of the land. Based on your information from the steps above, make a final determination of the change in overall albedo and its effect on local climate. Propose a solution that would restore the original albedo of the land while still allowing people to maintain the same lifestyle.
Timpanogas High School