TEACHING SKILLS “When one teaches, two learn” Speech Notes - Slide 1 1. [Title] Becoming A Reflective Teacher Becoming A Reflective Teacher http://eflclassroom.ning.com
Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire! I Wish I had an espresso machine. B) I Wish I could play the accordion. C) I Wish I were more muscular.
Statements of FACT I have _______________________. I don’t like ___________________. I can ________________________. I have been to ________________.
“He not busy being born is busy dying” What’s on tap? “He not busy being born is busy dying” Bob Dylan Topics Teaching Beliefs / Essential Skills Teaching “barenaked” / PPTs & flashcards Share a teaching idea! Examples of using video in the classroom. Speech Notes - Slide 3 1. [Text Box 6] Text Box 6 Clip Why think about your lesson? 2. [Text Box 5 Par: 1] More control and we become empowered. More control and we become empowered. 3. [Text Box 16] Text Box 16 Clip We see ourselves as growing 4. [Text Box 15 Par: 1] Teaching becomes connective. Teaching becomes connective. 5. [Text Box 14] Text Box 14 Clip We see the ideology behind teaching. 6. [Text Box 13 Par: 1] Classrooms become more democratic Classrooms become more democratic 7. [Text Box 12] Text Box 12 Clip We gain voice. Open Q & A / Roundtable: “Managing our teaching relationships” Certificates / Draw Prizes. Closing
“Every journey begins with the first step…” Today’s Journey? “Every journey begins with the first step…” Today we will….. Think about what is a good lesson. Share our own thoughts about teaching. Speech Notes - Slide 2 1. [Title] WHO ARE YOU? WHO ARE YOU? 2. [Body] All change begins with the notion of self All change begins with the notion of self 3. [Text Box 5] Text Box 5 Clip Today we will.. 4. [Text Box 6] Text Box 6 Clip Think about what is a good lesson / teacher. 5. [Text Box 7] Text Box 7 Clip Share our own thoughts about teaching. 6. [Text Box 8] Text Box 8 Clip Watch videos and analyze lessons. 7. [Text Box 9] Text Box 9 Clip Understand the need to think about our teaching and reflect. Practice many activities for our classroom. Share many teaching ideas.
If a doctor, lawyer, or dentist had 40 people in his office at one time, all of whom had different needs, and some of whom didn't want to be there and were causing trouble, and the doctor, lawyer, or dentist, without assistance, had to treat them all with professional excellence for nine months, then he might have some conception of the classroom teacher's job. ~Donald D. Quinn
The Reflective Cycle Problem Decision Reflection Action Solution
Content Classroom Teachers Students A Great Lesson Other Delivery
Some Functional Ideas
Some Functional Ideas
Some Functional Ideas
Some Functional Ideas
Some Functional Ideas
Some Functional Ideas
Some Functional Ideas
Some Functional Ideas
Some Functional Ideas
Some Functional Ideas
Some Functional Ideas
Practical “To Dos” Make comments in your teaching log! Keep a teaching portfolio. Peer evaluation – get your staff onboard Get feedback from students. Record yourself! + Action Research! Social Network! + Teaching Talk! Ask yourself at the end of the day – “How could I have done this better?
ddeubel@gmail.com http://setiteachers.ning.com “one teaches, two learn.” ddeubel@gmail.com http://setiteachers.ning.com