Progress on Natura 2000 filtered database Sensitive species have been collected through an Excel template sent out to the MS on the 15th of September. The extended deadline for submitting this sensitive species list was the 15th of December (the initial deadline being the 20th of October). 14 MS sent lists of sensitive data back to the Commission with a total of 141 sensitive species. DG ENV prepared a version of the descriptive database where all this sensitive information had been filtered out, one database for each MS. A note has been sent out to all members of the Habitats Committee on the 3rd of February. The MS were asked to check the filtered database for their country and send us a confirmation back before the 28th of February that they accept that we share this filtered data within the Commission and for EU-funded projects. 4 Member States have answered so far (SE, PT, LV, SK), three of which have sensitive species. For the MS that will not have answered by the 28th of February, it will be implicit that the filtered database contains no further sensitive species.