The Works of God Creation


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Presentation transcript:

The Works of God Creation Theology Proper The Works of God Creation

The Importance of Creation The question of origins is critical to theology. Fundamental to God’s ___________ (Theology Proper) and communication with man (Bibliology) is the realization of the origin of our planet and of man himself. If there is no creation, there is nothing left but the eternal existence of _______. No one was present but God in the inception of the physical globe. Short of divine revelation about that inception there is no _____________ information. Hence the scientific method does not work in the matter of origins. The Importance of Creation as a Fact It is first subject, in fact, the first statement of the Bible. (Gen. 1:1) It is one of the first assertions in the Gospel of John (1:1-3)  It is found in the faith chapter of Hebrews. (11:3)  Even in heaven itself the issue of creation continues to be an important issue as evidenced by reference to it in great throne room scene yet future. (Rev. 4:11)

Creation by Divine Fiat The fact of creation is _________ in Scripture. God created heaven and earth (Isa. 40:26; 45:18). God created _____ men (Psa. 102:18; 139:13-16; Isa. 43;1,7; 54:16; Eze. 21:30). God is the creator of ______ things in heaven and in earth (Isa. 43:5; 45:12; Acts 17:24; Rom. 11:36; Eph. 3:9) Creation ex nihilo The New Testament is quite specific about creation ex nihilo. (Rom. 4:17; 2 Cor. 4:6; Heb. 11:3; 1 Cor. 1:27-29; Col. 1:17) There was no pre-existing material _________ God created all things! Creation by Divine Fiat _______ times “God said” in Genesis 1. This was direct creation of everything from nothing. _______ God can make something out of nothing. There was also indirect creation in which God took material He had __________ created and formed something new. The creation of man and woman certainly should be defined in these terms. (Gen. 2:7; 21-23)

Creation Principles Conclusions God was the one and only Creator of the world. The world had a beginning, coeval with time. There was a succession of free creative acts of God. Man was the result of a special creative act and was ordained overlord of the other living beings. Conclusions That the universe is not eternal. It was not formed out of preexistence or substance; but was created ex nihilo. That creation was not necessary. Those who attempt to _____________ the evolutionary model while professing faith in Scripture attempt to explain creation in terms of long periods of time (theistic evolution). They do so by ______________ the use of the Hebrew word “day” in Genesis 1. This is commonly called the “day-age theory.” This is dishonest. “Whenever yom is used with a number, it means a twenty-four-hour period.

The Reason for Creation The theological implications of simple faith in the Bible account of creation are profound.   “Some would dismiss this controversy as irrelevant and unimportant. They might even suggest that Genesis has no significant soteriological implications. This, however, is a gross underestimation of this material's importance. One only needs to examine the frequency of creative affirmations in both the Old and New Testaments to realize how ___________ this subject is to biblical writers. God's power as well as His ____________ in human history are predicated upon His creative acts. “ The Reason for Creation While mankind is most certainly the recipient of God’s benevolence in so constructing the world as to sustain life and to provide considerable pleasure in the process, God’s reasons exceed the _________ of the creature. (Isai. 45:11-19 ) God has an eternal plan and purpose. The purpose of creation is the fulfillment of His greater purpose which is always His ________ . (Psa. 8:1; 19:1; Hab. 3:e; Isa. 43:7; Rev. 5:11-13; 4:11)