#1 Dividing by a Whole Number no remainder
1 1 . 6 -4 6 -4 2 4 -24 Divisor Dividend No decimal in divisor No decimal movement necessary, bring decimal straight up -4 6 Divide like normal -4 2 4 -24
#1 Dividing by a Whole Number Remainder (need to add zeros)
4 7 1 . -40 7 1 -70 1 -10 Divisor Dividend Need to add a zero No decimal in divisor No decimal movement necessary, bring decimal straight up -40 7 1 Divide like normal -70 1 -10
#1 Dividing by a Decimal
1 2 . -9 1 -0 1 8 -18 Divisor Dividend decimal in divisor – move . 2 decimal in divisor – move decimals Now bring decimal straight up -9 one place to the right… 1 -0 Divide like normal 1 8 -18
5 7 . -20 2 8 -28 Divisor Dividend decimal in divisor – move decimals Now bring decimal straight up -20 one place to the right… 2 8 -28 Divide like normal
1 . 2 -46 9 2 -92 Divisor Dividend decimal in divisor – move decimals Now bring decimal straight up -46 two places to the right… 9 2 -92 Divide like normal
Divisor Dividend 4 9 2 5 . Add a zero to be able to move 2 places decimal in divisor – move decimals Need to add a zero -64 Now bring decimal straight up two places to the right… 14 8 -144 Divide like normal 4 -32 8 -80