Journeys with Jesus 2. Jordan Valley to Bethany John 11.53f : Because of the Sanhedrin’s death threat ii) And because he had his own timetable ..... Jesus walks his disciples to Ephraim - on the ridge overlooking the Jordan Valley
What did they do during the approx. 6 weeks there? Luke 18.31-34
From Ephraim to the Jordan Valley (Weds) Seeing the pilgrims en-route to Jerusalem Jesus descends to the Jordan Valley. “His hour had come”
Into Jericho (Thursday) Salvation for the Sightless (Lk 18.35) Transformation for the Tax Man (Lk 19.1) (The “last chance saloon!)
From Jericho to Bethany (Friday) Lk 19.28; 15 miles on the Jerusalem Rd John 12.1; Jesus arrives at Bethany
Bethany (Friday evening [shabbat] to Sunday morning)