Lets Start With What We Already Know.... CHRISTIANITY Lets Start With What We Already Know....
LEARNING GOALS Understand the key events in the life of Jesus Christ and how this led to the beginning of the Christian religion.
HOW IT ALL BEGAN... A very quick recap video on Christianity
JESUS born in 4 B.C.E. little is known of his early life - worked with his father, Joseph, as a carpenter first incident with religion occurs in a temple when he is 12 baptized by John the Baptist at age 30
JESUS CONT.... retreated to the wilderness for 40 days, where he makes three important decisions: He would not work, but depend on charity to survive He would not use spectacular methods to draw attention He decided against the pursuit of political power began 3 year ministry of spreading his philosophy and beliefs as he became more popular, authority started to look for ways to stop him leaders destroyed the temple as a sign of power
JESUS CONT... returned to Jerusalem - welcomed warmly by the people last supper, betrayal by Judas arrested for political blasphemy tried and convicted by the Romans crucified buried, three days later he rose from the dead the resurrection is the key event in the formation of Christianity