5 Sian Jones Policy Coordinator European Anti Poverty Network


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Presentation transcript:

5 Sian Jones Policy Coordinator European Anti Poverty Network EU Policy Update March 2017 Sian Jones Policy Coordinator European Anti Poverty Network www.eapn.eu

Outline The Context – The EU in crisis 5 5 Outline The Context – The EU in crisis Main policy developments – Employment and Social EAPN Action Social Pillar update and coming up Future of Europe What action and next steps?

The Context: EU crisis continues… 5 5 The Context: EU crisis continues… FEAR OF POPULIST BACKLASH: Victory of Trump, now fear of similar backlash in upcoming elections: Netherlands, France, Germany and Italy… BREXIT: Lords revolt on BREXIT overruled – right to stay of existing EU citizens and Parl right to vote on final BREXIT deal. Scotland will launch 2nd independence referendum. When will Article 50 be triggered? GREXIT: New threat of GREXIT, IMF disagreements with EC says debt unsustainable. EU says debt reduction on course… MIGRATION: Focus on Returns: Malta Summit 3 Feb agreed an Action Plan, 200 million EU extra, increased Border Agency; expansion of Turkey deal. SECURITY & TERRORISM: Continued top priority following Junckers’ State of the Union Address and in the Council’s Bratislava Road Map. CETA: EP voted in favour on 15 February 2017. National governments have to approve. Serious doubts over TTIP through Trump rejection

December European Council 5 5 December European Council No new initiatives – focus on implementation. Migration: Implementing EU Turkey agreement, new compacts with transition countries/countries of origin. Still failure to implement quotas. “ should further intensify efforts in particular for unaccompanied minors’ Security: Implementing EU internal security strategy 2015-20. European Defence Plan with agreement on the revision of Schengen, renewed priority to NATO and reminder about increasing contributions. Economic and Social: Extended and increased EFSI – European Fund for Strategic Investment. Otherwise focus on Single Market and Energy Union. Continuation of youth guarantee/ YEI, European solidarity corps

European Solidarity Corps 5 5 European Solidarity Corps Only new Social initiative in this period, adopted 7th December 2017 “ to support young, socially-minded young people willing to show solidarity’ What is it: support for volunteering or work for young people (30) to do solidarity work with NGOs. Aims for 100.000 by 2020. How will it work? Build on existing volunteering and youth employment programmes: European Voluntary Services and Youth Guarantee. Candidates apply through a single entry point for placement 2mths to 1 year What about payment? No special payments beyond existing funding What’s in it for NGOs? Unified system to get cross-border volunteers/placements – but no extra money.. How useful? Re-vamping of existing iniatives, with no extra money so not likely to benefit antipoverty NGOs or young people in poverty.

European Pillar on Social Rights – Update and what’s coming up 5 5 European Pillar on Social Rights – Update and what’s coming up Update National Consultation Process: Finalized on the 31 December. Over 6.500 responses with over 5.000 from Trade Unions. Lack of clarity about whether there will be a summary document. High level Event 23 January 2017: with President Juncker, Commissioner Thyssen etc: very institutional event sending message of ‘one voice’ support, civil society very minimal role. EC Civil Society event (28 Feb) : EAPN participated (LW). Unclear role, l reiterated messages, perhaps to make up for low engagement before? EP report: Maria João Rodrigues Report adopted 19 January 2017 What’s coming up? EPSR delayed until 26th April. Seen to be divisive/for Treaty of Rome Anniversary EPSR package: Proposal of principles and benchmarking process; Staff working documents on implementing Investing in Children and Active Inclusion. Potential legislative proposals??: Amendment to common statement on employment rights; Work-life balance Access for all to social security – atypical work .

EAPN Actions on Pillar of Social Rights 5 5 EAPN Actions on Pillar of Social Rights Participation in European Commission’s Stakeholder Dialogue Meetings: 2016 12 January 2017: EAPN Event in European Parliament: Can the Semester help build a better Social Europe with Maria Joao Rodrigues Follow up social media campaign with members on Rodrigues report 17 January 16 Feb: EAPN presentation to EMCO – including new ways of work Follow up on Position paper: Last Chance for Social Europe finalized and consultation response submitted. National and EO member responses. 21 Feb 2017: Letter to President Junker/Dombrovkis/Thyssen: Time for Timidity is over – need for strong social pillar. Reply received Participation/Intervention in key events on the Social Pillar at Brussels and national level. Social Media campaign with members “ last chance for Social Europe” in 2 stages until end of April.

Future of Europe: A new vision for Europe? 5 5 Future of Europe: A new vision for Europe? White Paper on the Future of Europe adopted 1st March Outlines main drivers of EU future: threat of waning economic power with rise of emerging economies, demographic change increased security/borders threats; loss of trust and legitimacy, but no focus on social, poverty, inequality. 5 Scenarios: Carrying on as now: jobs, growth and investment in the single market Nothing but the single market: no shared work eg migration, security. Those who want more do more: 2 speed Europe – more on soc standards? Doing less more efficiently: focus on reduced number of areas. Doing much more together: Greater coordination on fiscal, social, tax. 5 reflection papers: including social (EPSR) Low ambition/no social vision/handing responsibility to Member States

Future of Europe: A new vision for Europe? Timetable 5 5 Future of Europe: A new vision for Europe? Timetable 2017: Launch of “Future of Europe’ debates across EU….. March: European Council and EU27 Summit – Rome Declaration April: Reflection on social dimension of Europe (Social Pillar?) May: Reflection on harnessing globalisation and EMU June: Reflection on future of European Defence and Future of EU finances Sept: State of the Union Address 2017 Nov: Social Summit – Gothenburg, Sweden Dec: European Council: 1st Conclusions June 2019: European Parliament Elections

What approach should EAPN take? 5 5 What approach should EAPN take? What’s your first reaction to White Paper? And in your networks? How does the European Pillar of Social Rights fit in? What action are you thinking of taking? What can we do together?

Thank you for your attention! 5 5 Thank you for your attention! For more information, please contact Sian Jones EAPN Policy Coordinator sian.jones@eapn.eu