ice melting by K.J. Price
Question: What substance melts ice faster ? salt pepper sugar
background I chose this experiment because i was bored one day and i put salt on ice it started melt. I thought to myself what else could melt ice too?
hypothesis If put salt,sugar,and pepper on ice then salt would melt ice the fastest.
variables independent: substance used dependent: what substance makes ice melt the fastest? constants: same ice,same timer
procedures Gather materials Set experiment Put one gram of substance on ice Time how fast the ice melts Record times
data salt sugar pepper 3:20 4:25 5:26
526 425 400 320 300 250 200 150 100 salt:3:20 sugar:5:26 pepper:4:25
Conclusion What substance melts ice the fastest? Put the substance on ice and time how fast it melts. My data supports my hypothesis because salt melted ice the fastest. I learned that all substances melt ice at different speeds. Not all substances are made of the same thing so they melt ice at different speeds. It took a while to do. next time I would put more of the substance on the ice.