Non class time procedures Lunch Hallway
Hallways Be polite WALK to the right Running is never safe on main street, hallways, lunchroom, or anywhere inside the school. Use a classroom voice in the hall Items that fall out of your locker or backpack are your responsibility, lets keep Depoali a clean and beautiful school!
Lunchroom Students will use Integrity and Empathy and wait fairly for their turn in lunch lines. Students will need their picture ID out and have decided upon items before reaching the front of the line. Students will use Empathy and will not hold spots for their friends. Students will take responsibility and clean up all their trash before exiting the lunchroom. Students will also check their table and hold their friends accountable to this standard.
Lunchroom Students will remain in the lunchroom the first 10 minutes of lunch Students will keep all food within the cafeteria Students who have been identified as leaving a mess will help clean the cafeteria and earn a major referral. Lunchboxes need to be stored on the shelves in the cafeteria Use the restroom in the cafeteria before coming outside
OutsidE Play Students will be responsible and remain out of the DG/planter areas. Students are to use integrity and ask a duty teacher and then walk around the fence if a ball goes over. Students are to remain off of the rock wall. If you are outside with food you will have to demonstrate Empathy for others and help clean up outside.
OutsidE Play Once you are outside you need to remain outside. Please wait for the teacher on duty to open on the door, without banging on the glass. If you need to see a teacher at lunch you must have a pass from that teacher to show the lunch duty teacher. Students will remember tolerance and integrity and only engage in safe play during lunch time
OUTSIDE Lunch procedure All students need to move away from the building and off of the top deck blacktop/planter area this includes the pull up bars . All students will need to move down to the grass field, track, and basketball court areas for playing and or socializing.
NEW LUNCH BELLs There are 2 lunches this year. The bell during class DOES NOT excuse you to go to lunch. Follow your teacher’s directions on when to pack up. There is no more warning or tardy bells. It is your responsibility to be to class on time.