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Your Place In The Enterprise Economy Welcome to our sample presentation from our Head of Careers resources. The arrow at the top right hand corner of the page will return you to the previous page if you click on it. The following is a short extract from our presentation called: Your Place In The Enterprise Economy
The enterprise economy Why do we need an enterprise economy? Worry about how complex financial and fiscal (tax) regulations also hold younger people back from even investigating the possibilities of going into business for themselves.
They must have started somewhere to understand: The enterprise economy Why do we need an enterprise economy? However, people do start up their own businesses and become very successful. They must have started somewhere to understand: how to raise finance how to overcome their initial terror of Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (the body that collects the bulk of our taxes) how to identify financial institutions who could support them to raise the initial capital
Think about the successful celebrities that you admire. The enterprise economy Why do we need an enterprise economy? Think about the successful celebrities that you admire. Many run businesses. The music industry, film industry, television – all are awash with people who have successful businesses.
They were not born with the innate ability of understanding tax law. The enterprise economy Why do we need an enterprise economy? They were not born with the innate ability of understanding tax law. They sought assistance from the experts who are there to help – accountants, banks, building societies, financial advisors, solicitors, HM Revenue & Customs themselves, who are very helpful and knowledgeable. I must check the profit and loss account today.
The enterprise economy Why do we need an enterprise economy? All these ‘experts’ know their field so it is important to tap into their expertise to seek the assistance that you might need. The government is keen for people to start up small businesses. It has tried to decrease the ‘red tape’ and complex forms and regulations for those who are attempting to start up a business.
The enterprise economy Why do we need an enterprise economy? Small businesses contribute much to the wealth of the nation through their productivity, their opportunities for offering employment in the local community and the taxes that they pay to central funds.
The enterprise economy Why do we need an enterprise economy? So society needs to encourage people to start up their own businesses. The UK has an educated workforce but it needs highly skilled, flexible labour. We need to attract foreign investment into the country too.
The enterprise economy Why do we need an enterprise economy? This is where you come into the general picture. What about considering the people that you meet on your work-related learning experience or on your enterprise days at school or college?
The enterprise economy Why do we need an enterprise economy? Your exposure to these people and their organisations might lead you to believe that you could follow in their footsteps and consider starting your own business sometime in the future.
The enterprise economy Why do we need an enterprise economy? Worry about how complex financial and fiscal (tax) regulations also hold younger people back from even investigating the possibilities of going into business for themselves.
They must have started somewhere to understand: The enterprise economy Why do we need an enterprise economy? However, people do start up their own businesses and become very successful. They must have started somewhere to understand: how to raise finance how to overcome their initial terror of Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (the body that collects the bulk of our taxes) how to identify financial institutions who could support them to raise the initial capital
Think about the successful celebrities that you admire. The enterprise economy Why do we need an enterprise economy? Think about the successful celebrities that you admire. Many run businesses. The music industry, film industry, television – all are awash with people who have successful businesses.
They were not born with the innate ability of understanding tax law. The enterprise economy Why do we need an enterprise economy? They were not born with the innate ability of understanding tax law. They sought assistance from the experts who are there to help – accountants, banks, building societies, financial advisors, solicitors, HM Revenue & Customs themselves, who are very helpful and knowledgeable. I must check the profit and loss account today.
The enterprise economy Why do we need an enterprise economy? All these ‘experts’ know their field so it is important to tap into their expertise to seek the assistance that you might need. The government is keen for people to start up small businesses. It has tried to decrease the ‘red tape’ and complex forms and regulations for those who are attempting to start up a business.
The enterprise economy Why do we need an enterprise economy? Small businesses contribute much to the wealth of the nation through their productivity, their opportunities for offering employment in the local community and the taxes that they pay to central funds.
The enterprise economy Why do we need an enterprise economy? So society needs to encourage people to start up their own businesses. The UK has an educated workforce but it needs highly skilled, flexible labour. We need to attract foreign investment into the country too.
The enterprise economy Why do we need an enterprise economy? This is where you come into the general picture. What about considering the people that you meet on your work-related learning experience or on your enterprise days at school or college?
The enterprise economy Why do we need an enterprise economy? Your exposure to these people and their organisations might lead you to believe that you could follow in their footsteps and consider starting your own business sometime in the future.
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