Name: Period: DIRECTIONS: As you navigate through the Great Depression use this travel log to note your experiences #’s Note your experiences and reflections here BACKGROUND Job: House: Bank: Investments: ELECTION OF 1928 CALIFORNIA BLACK TUESDAY ELECTION OF 1932 BANK RUN BANK HOLIDAY MAKE $ NEW DEAL BONUS MARCHERS 21st Amendment SOUP KITCHEN ELECTION OF 1936 DISTRACTIONS SCOTUS LAW HOBO MARKINGS WAGNER ACT ROAD PROBLEMS ELECTION OF 1940 BET IT ALL
MI DC SF NV CA KY OK As you participate 1. Based off your experiences do you agree more with Herbert Hoover’s “Rugged Individualism” mentality or Franklin Roosevelt’s government welfare system? Explain. As you participate throughout the simulation draw on the Road Map above to show the route you took. In addition to the map complete the Travel Log on the 2. If the simulation was real what would you have considered the lowest point in your life? Explain. back. At the end of the simulation answer the questions in 3. While the Great Depression was a devastating period in our nation's history, what lessons can we take from this experience? What good things came out of the Great Depression? the box to the right.