INTRODUCTION The Policy Pertaining to the Conduct, Administration and Management of Assessment for the National Senior Certificate provides for the handling of irregularities that relate to the management of internal assessment. The Policy is applied “mutatis mutandis”, therefore, we apply its provisions in the GET phase as well.
INTRODUCTION Cont. School Assessment Irregularities Committee (SAIC) is the committee established by the Principal to support the school in ensuring that the credibility of the examinations is maintained. The SAIC co-ordinates the handling of irregularities at the school level. Each school must establish a School Assessment Irregularities Committee.
WHY SHOULD SAICs BE ESTABLISHED? The SAIC must be established by the school principal, subject to the approval of the Head of Department (HOD) or an official delegated by the HOD The committee will ensure that the credibility of internal assessment and examinations conducted at the school is in line with policy requirements. It also co-ordinates the handling of irregularities and ensure that a consistent approach in the handling of irregularities is maintained. The proper handling of Internal irregularities will reduce external irregularities as it will demonstrate to everyone that all irregularities are important and should be treated as such. The SAIC will remove the responsibility of handling irregularities from a single individual, the Subject Teacher.
STRUCTURES THAT WORK WITH THE SAIC The SAIC should work together with the district and exam officials assigned to the school. The SAIC will also have a relationship with the DAIC based at the district office. The PEIC can also refer matters to the SAIC.
THE COMPOSITION OF THE SAIC The SAIC MUST CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING PERSONS: The district officials serving the school should be the chairperson of the SAIC, The School Principal, One person from the School Management Team (SMT) One person from the teaching staff who is not a member of the SMT One member of the School Governing Body (SGB) vi. One District official nominated by the District Director will serve as the ex-officio member of SAIC (Exam and Assessment Official)
THE COMPOSITION OF THE SAIC cont. One representative from each of the teacher unions recognized by the ELRC, will be nominated as observers. All members of the SAIC will be appointed by the District Director The duration of the term of office of the SAIC will be three years All vacant position must be filled and approved by the Head or District Director or his/her delegate respectively.
THE JURISDICTION OF THE SAIC The SAIC will have jurisdiction in any alleged internal assessment irregularities. These irregularities may occur during the various stages of internal assessment process, which includes: Compilation of internal assessment marks. Monitoring and moderation of internal assessment. Conditions under which educators conduct internal assessment. Conditions under which learners are internally assessed.
THE JURISDICTION OF THE SAIC cont… Capturing and processing of data in respect of internal assessment Any other irregularity related to internal assessment Setting and moderating of internal assessment question papers
THE FUNCTIONS OF THE SAIC The SAIC must: Work closely with the examination official based at the district offices in respect of all internal assessment irregularities that could occur at all stages. Investigate all irregularities by educators in the internal assessment process. Investigate all internal assessment irregularities by any other person at the school who is involved in internal assessment processes. Investigate all irregularities committed by learners during the internal assessment process. Investigate any other internal assessment irregularity as and when requested by the district/regional director or his or her nominee. Report all internal assessment irregularities to the DAIC.
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE DIFFERENT OFFICIALS IN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SAIC The Exams and Assessment officials in the Districts should be responsible for the establishment of SAICs in all schools. The ANA and SBA officials should meet, audit which schools don’t have SAICs and design a management plan to establish these structures. These officials should also conduct training sessions for schools to enable them to have fully functional SAICs. They should also monitor the SAICs.