Creative Engineering Design Competition ICIARE International Conference on Innovative Application Research and Education December 14-17, 2017 Yamaguchi University CEDC Creative Engineering Design Competition Title Author Affiliation Team Number* ABSTRACT This document presents the guideline for preparation of the manuscript for ICIDM 2012. For consistent formatting the authors can type over the contents of this document or follow the instruction. For authors’ affiliations, use the central format above for single author, and delete the rest, use double authors’ name in case of two authors and delete the rest and so on. Please note that this abstract should contain no more than 150 words. Its purpose is to give a general overview of the paper contents and to allow easy indexing in the bibliographic database. The maximum number of page for the final manuscript is 6 pages. The final manuscript is to be received in both MS Word and in PDF formats. *Please do NOT write “Team Number”. It will write by secretariat. Contact: