Workshop 28 may 2008 Diffuse Sources: prevention first Titel dia Workshop 28 may 2008 Diffuse Sources: prevention first Ben Hermans Policy officer Water and Nature Stichting Natuur en Milieu 28-12-2018 Diffuse sources: prevention first
Netherlands Society for Nature and Environment Tekst dia Netherlands Society for Nature and Environment Independent non-profit organisation All environment themes: energy, mobility, industry, agriculture, nature, water, air Main issues 2008: climate change, sustainable production/consumption, attractive landscapes Focus on national and EU policy and companies Member of the EEB 28-12-2018 Diffuse sources: prevention first
This presentation Our vision on diffuse sources Problems to meet goals of the WFD Necessity for common approach In the Netherlands In the EU Recommendations In general Specific 28-12-2018 Diffuse sources: prevention first
Vision on diffuse sources Triple P Close the circle of production and consumption: no emissions and no waiste of valuable resources Therefore: sustainable (food) production, reduce impacts on soil and water phasing out all problem substances set emission controls Environmental standards tightened (EQS) 28-12-2018 Diffuse sources: prevention first
Huge and increasing problems Problems for waterquality in NL: Waiste of minerals (N and P: stupid enough!) Pesticides (atmospheric deposition: p.e. from warehouses by air and by precipitation) Heavy metals (p.e. Cu in feed for cattle and in antiseptic baths; Zn in construction materials; Cd in fertilizer) New problems arising to meet WGD goals: Antibiotics Oestrogenic substances 28-12-2018 Diffuse sources: prevention first
Examples P.e. Cd in crates for beerbottles out of the market and 20 years waiting for a solution Previous: paper policy: goals on paper without measures (free of obligations) Untill now little progress: what do we know? 28-12-2018 Diffuse sources: prevention first
General recommendation Necessary approach: Phasing out (starting with product measures: Reach, standards) Control routing (check emission flyway’s, no freeriders) Remediation of soils and cleaning up water Important tool: River Basin Management Plans 28-12-2018 Diffuse sources: prevention first
Over all reduction needed Quantity of emissions: . Agriculture (metals, pesticides): sustainable production and management (NL: intensive agriculture covers 70 % surface) . Traffic and transport (PAH’s combustion, tyres): product measures, smutfilter, greening of taxes... (many participants that do not pay for emissions) 28-12-2018 Diffuse sources: prevention first
Specific concerns Give control and persceptives: The ‘dynosaurs’ of pollution Cd, pcb’s,.. : not wait and see! Free riders and new (local) polluters: precautionary principle! Do not forget point sources! 28-12-2018 Diffuse sources: prevention first
Role of ngo’s National and EU: In favour of strong implementation of WFD and Priority substances directive Showing necessity and advantages Water and soil: perspective of clean sources: Raising awareness: healthy environment, healthy food (media, giving advice to consumers) 28-12-2018 Diffuse sources: prevention first
Stichting Natuur en Milieu 28-12-2018 Diffuse sources: prevention first