His use of compositions, technique and use of color Chuck Close His use of compositions, technique and use of color
Who was Chuck Close painter, photographer, and printmaker Close’s work is based on the use of a grid as an underlying basis for the representation of an image. all his work is made the old-fashioned way—by hand. While a painting can occupy Close for many months, it is not unusual for one print to take upward of two years to complete
Lets review Vocabulary The elements of art Space Value Lines Shapes Composition New word “aesthetics” – Does it look good to you?
Technique How he used pattern and value How we will use He used different compositions to create unique proportions of the face Used a grid to transfer photos onto canvas Used colors and patterns to create unique looking portraits How we will use Create a unique composition of the face…. Create a grid on both photo and your paper Transfer your photo using a grid Create five patterns you will use on your blocks of the face The use of patterns to create values
How we will use patterns Look at the patterns on the faces…. Now get your own ideas
How we will use color Look at his use of color…now lets look at how we will use it
Objectives Students will 1. Show an understanding and awareness of the work of Chuck Close. Understand how an artist gets ideas. 2. Use ruler skills in creating a grid - develop skills in enlarging a composition using a grid. Study proportion. 3. Recognize values and create values using line, pattern and simulated textures. Develop Contrast through values.
Student Examples Below are a list of examples done by students, in the style of Chuck Close