Drink Aware Water Safety Research A Presentation Prepared For Drink Aware August 2012 By MOD/PK S12-226.


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Presentation transcript:

Drink Aware Water Safety Research A Presentation Prepared For Drink Aware August 2012 By MOD/PK S12-226

2 A number of questions were placed on the Amárach Research July omnibus to measure Irish peoples understanding of alcohol consumption and water safety. The findings are to be used as part of a benchmark to determine if the message is getting through. The omnibus survey is a syndicated survey whereby clients can include questions within the survey. A total sample of 1,002 was achieved with quotas set on gender, age, social class and region to achieve a sample aligned with national population. Due to the high proliferation of the internet among the Irish population, the Amárach Research omnibus is completed fully online. Interviewing fieldwork dates were July 23 rd – 30 th. Research Methodology

3 Profile of Sample Male Female Under ABC1/ F50+ C2DE/ F50- %% Dublin Rest of Leinster Munster Conn- aught /Ulster Quotas were applied to achieve a sample aligned with the population of Irish adults. (Base: All Adults 16+ – 1,002)

4 Alcohol Consumption & Water-Based Activity in the Past Two Years (Base: All adults aged ,002) Just over 1 in 4 Irish adults have engaged in water-based activities within four hours of consuming at least 4 units of alcohol. Higher among the younger adults and males. (Q1) % 6+ times 2-5 times 2-3 times Once Never 27% Gender Male Female Age % Region Dublin ROL Munster Conn/Ulster Social Class ABC1F50+ C2DEF50-

5 Alcohol Consumption & Water-Based Activity in the Past Two Years (Base: All adults aged ,002) 1 in 5 aware of hour wait, with small group believing the wait to be less than an hour – males and the younger age cohorts believing they are good to go in less than an hour. (Q2) % No wait at all 7% Gender Male Female Age % Region Dublin ROL Munster Conn/Ulster Social Class ABC1F50+ C2DEF50- Less than 1 hr 1 hour 1-2 hours 2-3 hours 3-6 hours 6-12 hours >12 hours Dont know 7%

6 Alcohol Consumption & Water-Based Activity in the Past Two Years (Base: All adults aged ,002) 3 in 4 believe that the risks associated with driving a car are on a par with driving a boat after consuming alcohol. Females and older cohorts most likely to hold this belief. (Q3) % Gender Male Female Age % Region Dublin ROL Munster Conn/Ulster Social Class ABC1F50+ C2DEF50- Same % Little greater Lot greater Car Boat Little greater Lot greater

7 Positive Effect of Slogan Never ever Drink and Dive or Swim or Sail (Base: All adults aged ,002) Over 4 in 5 feel that this slogan would make them reconsider engaging in water-based activities after consuming alcohol. (Q4) % Strongly Agree 83% Gender Male Female Age % Region Dublin ROL Munster Conn/Ulster Social Class ABC1F50+ C2DEF50- Slightly Agree Neither/Nor Strongly Disagree Slightly Disagree Dont know