Assigned Seats In a few moments you will have assigned seats via the periodic table/ atomic number (and alphabetically)!
Classroom Procedures For Mrs. Shorette’s Chemistry class (You will have a 10 item question quiz on this PP.)
Be respectful- respect others and their property, including the school’s property Please NO SWEARING/PROFANITY…It’s offensive No cell phones, mp3s, or any other electronic device that is going to distract you. If I catch you with one (a cell phone or mp3) I will ask for you to hand it over until the end of class. I will place it in a locked drawer. If you hand it over- I will only take 10% off of your grade for that day. If you do not hand it over, you will receive a 0% for the day. You must hand it over…putting it “away” will not be an option. If you simply put it away that will result in a 0% for the day.
Please do not take other student’s pencils or papers as a joke or because you forgot your own. Please do not sit on the desks or put your feet anywhere but the floor.
Be supplied- come to class prepared (paper, pencil, worksheets, binder, homework) *you will NOT be allowed to go back to your locker for any supplies Binders- by next Wednesday (Monday we have off for Labor Day & Tuesday is a teacher day) please have a 1-2 inch binder that is only used for Chemistry class. We will be putting all of our notes, worksheets, and quizzes into it daily. You are welcome to leave them in the back of the classroom for safe keeping or bring them back each day. Make sure you have enough loose leaf paper in them for assignments. (We use a lot of paper!)
Loaning out pencils- Hopefully you will not forget your pencil/pen but if you do you can either borrow one from a neighbor or borrow one from me. If you borrow a pencil from myself you must give me collateral (aka- something of value), such as a shoe, bracelets, cell phone, etc. Loaning out calculators- We will be doing some math in Chemistry and with that being said you should be bringing your own calculator to class. I will tell you the day ahead that you will need it for tomorrow so you don’t have to lug it with you every day. If you do not have one or need to borrow one I will loan you one. Again I will need collateral.
Loaning of materials- *I don’t mean to sound mean. I paid for these things out of my own pocket and that is why if you want to borrow something you must temporarily give me something of value. This insures that I get my object back and you can still complete the assignment/quiz. If you think it is “bogus” then please take your zero quietly.
Homework… is due at the beginning of class, not five minutes after class has started. If you turn your homework in completed and on-time you will get the highest grade possible. If you turn your homework in by the end of the period or at least by the end of the day 10% will be taken off of your grade.
Wake up!!! I know this stuff is boring but you need to know how to get an A, how not to get in trouble, etc.
Be clean- please leave your table/station cleaner than what you found it When you see a place (house, bathroom, etc) that has stuff on the floor or writings on the walls you do not have a positive feeling about the environment anymore…we don’t want that bad feeling!
NO EATING OR DRINKING (water is fine) NO EATING OR DRINKING (water is fine). If you are caught eating/drinking anything but water, I will give you a warning to put it away. The second time I have to ask, I will give you a 0% for the day. Toilet paper/tissue- I will try to keep toilet paper at the front of the room so that you can blow your nose. I do not have the money to supply nose tissue, so this is the best I can do.
Be mannered- please raise your hand to answer questions and do not interrupt others while they are talking We have all struggled to understand a concept or lab before, so lending a helping hand shows a lot more than your intelligence!
Cheating (You are not a xerox machine…think for yourself!) NO CHEATING EVER- If you are caught cheating off someone else’s paper you will receive a 0% for that assignment. The person who let you copy off of their paper will receive 50% credit. (You are not a xerox machine…think for yourself!)
Percentages- I don’t give out grades you EARN them! Two Categories: 60% bell ringers, participation, classwork, assignments, labs, projects & misc. 40% test & quizzes
Grading Scale 100-90 A 89-80 B 79-70 C 69-60 D 59-0 F Semester Grade (the only that really counts) 40% quarter 1 40% quarter 2 20% semester final = 100% final grade
Be timely- be in your seat before or at least when the bell rings and working on the bell ringer. Assigned Seats- Everyone has an assigned seat. If you are not in your correct seat I will mark you absent for the period. Bell Ringers- We will have a bell ringer (aka- warm up or do now) every day. Every day I will walk around, about four minutes after the bell, with a colorful stamper and stamp that you are on task by writing the bell ringer and answering it. If you get a stamp you receive 100 points for that assignment. If you are late or not on task you will not get a stamp and receive 75 points for that assignment. I do NOT come back around to stamp people who finally are on task.
Late Arrivals- Once the last bell rings class begins and I start teaching. If you are late whether it be the bathroom or because another teacher held you after class you should enter my room quietly. Five minutes into the period I will have already taken attendance and I am not going to stop teaching to mark you present in the computer. You will need to print your name in the late arrival book and put your pass in the clear plastic bin. At the end of the day, I will go back into the school’s attendance and mark everyone who has signed in as present, but tardy. If you do not sign in I will keep you marked as absent for the whole period. It is your responsibility to put your name in the book so that you get attendance credit.
Absences- Please try to get to a class a few minutes ahead of the bell the next day you come in. That way you can get whatever assignment/worksheet that was completed the day before out of the crate. You will also need to find someone who you can get notes from for your missing days. You should make up all of the work that you missed to keep your grade going strong. You will not be able to make up labs- I will give you a supplemental worksheet instead.
Washroom/Hall passes- One student at a time is allowed out of the room. Please sign out of the room before you leave for the washroom and please sign back IN so that I know you came back. If you forget to sign out and I go looking for you, I may think you ditched and begin writing you up not knowing you were given permission to leave. Please do not interrupt instructions, demonstrations, or lecture to ask to use the washroom. Please ask when we are doing something quiet, during lab, or another activity. We will use the blue (boys) and pink (girls) wooden passes for now.
Quiz on Procedures 1) When do you ask to use the washroom? 2) Where can you find absentee worksheets? 3) What do you do if you are late (for any reason)? 4) Why would I mark you absent if you are physically present in the room? 5) How much credit does the person who let you cheat off of them receive?
6) What happens the second time I catch you eating/drinking? 7) Where are we going to put ALL of our returned papers, quizzes, and notes? 8) What do I need to borrow a pencil? 9) If you do not hand over your cell phone (or play stupid), what will happen? 10) Extra Credit- How are the seats in this room arranged? (What example is on your desk?)
Change papers with the person to your right Change papers with the person to your right! (Grader- put your initials in the bottom RIGHT hand corner)
Answers to the quiz 1) When there is quiet time 2) White bin upfront 3) Enter quietly, sign in 4) Not in your assigned seat 5) 50% max 6) 0% for the day 7) In YOUR 3-ring binder 8) Collateral (give me something in exchange) 9) 0% for the day 10) Periodic table or atomic number or rows/columns