Beth Smith IST 126 Assignment #7 Microsoft Power Point Beth Smith IST 126 Assignment #7
How easy is Power Point to use? Power point is very self explantory and user friendly which allows any average computer user the ability to format a Power Point presentation.
What is Powerpoint? As part of the Office 2000 Suite, Power Point allows users to create a hands on presentation. It has many features to implement various areas of design and to display information to viewers
Why use Power Point? It allows for many different types of presentations and the use of sound and art enhances the performance and encaptures the audience
Graphics Scanned images or clips from movies can be added to any Power Point Presentation Other mediums other than the art and sound from the gallery may be incorporated into the presentation to give it a more personal feel
What are some of the features? Custom Animation Use of various sounds to incorporate within a presentation Different design templates for personal or business use Option to add notes at the bottom for only the presenter to see