برنامهراهبردي فناوري اطلاعات موسسه آموزشي و تحقيقاتي صنايع دفاعي
اهداف Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
چرا حالا ؟ Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
دستور جلسه Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
پيشنهادات Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
كميته راهبري Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
فرايند تدوين طرح Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
مستند سازي راهبرد سازمان از نگاه واحد فناوري اطلاعات Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
چشم انداز و ماموريت فناوري اطلاعات چشمانداز فناوري اطلاعات ماموريت فناوري اطلاعات Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
اهداف راهبردي فناوري اطلاعات Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
ارزشهاي محوري فناوري اطلاعات Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
وضعيت فعلي فناوري اطلاعات – ساختار سازماني }تصويري از ساختار سازماني واحد فناوري اطلاعات را در اينجا بياوريد.{ Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
وضعيت فعلي فناوري اطلاعات – سيستمهاي اطلاعاتي {نمودار شبكهاي كه در بخش سوم تهيه نمودهايد در اينجا بياوريد.} Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
وضعيت فعلي فناوري اطلاعات– هزينهها Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
وضعيت فعلي فناوري اطلاعات – پروژهها فهرست اولويت بندي شده پروژههاي جاري Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
محيط فعلي فناوري اطلاعات Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
تحليل محيط فعلي فناوري اطلاعات Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
وضعيت رقبا Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
وضعيت رقبا ” دشمن را بشناس، خودت را هم بشناس، در اين صورت درنبردهاي مختلف در خطر جدي نخواهي بود.“ Sun Tzu, The Art of War, 500 B.C.
تحليل رقبا Competitive firms can also impact a company for many reasons. To analyze what is going on in the competitive environment, ask questions like the following: Who are the firm’s competitors (both direct and indirect)? What is their relative size and power (market share, cash position)? What are each competitor’s strengths and weaknesses? What are their strategies?
وضعيت آينده فناوري اطلاعات وضعيت مطلوب وضعيت موجود Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
تعيين فاصلهها Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
اهداف واحد فناوري اطلاعات اهداف مالي اهداف سازماني Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
اهداف واحد فناوري اطلاعات اهداف عملياتي فناوري اطلاعات اهداف خدمات مشتريان اهداف مديريت فناوري اطلاعات Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
خلاصه وضعيت بودجه هاي فناوري اطلاعات Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
گزينههاي موجود }در اين قسمت نمودار تهيه شده در بخش هفتم سند برنامهريزي راهبردي را بياوريد.{ Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
پيشنهادات Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
چارچوب اولويت بندي پروژهها – ماتريس پروژهها ابتدا پروژهها به كمك ماتريس زير در چهار گروه تقسيمبندي گرديد. حركت تهاجمي حركت هوشيارانه 1 3 كاهش تدريجي اتمام بلادرنگ 2 4 ميزان مشاركت در كسب و كار محوري پتانسيل اقتصادي و رشد كم زياد Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
چارچوب اولويت بندي - معيارهاي اولويت بندي سپس هر پروژه بر اساس معيارهاي زير اولويتبندي گرديد. معيار اولويتبندي امكانپذيري ميزان ارزشافزايي براي مشتري (CVP) (15-0 ) پتانسيل اقتصادي و رشد (EUP) ( 25- 0) جذابيت حوزه كاري (IA) (15-0 ) تناسب تناسب با اهداف و توانمنديهاي سازمان (CGC) (15 –0) سهولت اجرا و پيادهسازي (EI) (15-0 ) ريسك ريسك زمان اضافي (PMC) (5-0 ) ريسك هزينه اضافي (RCO) (5-0 ) ريسك فني (TR) (5-0) جمع كل (جمع از 100) Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
ماتريس اولويت بندي پروژهها- محاسبه نرخ بازگشت سرمايه ده پروژه اول (بر اساس معيارهاي اولويتبندي) بر اساس نرخ بازگشت سرمايه اولويتبندي گرديدند. همه هزينهها و منافع جهت تعين اولويتهاي نهايي براي هر پروژه محاسبه گرديدند. Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
پروژههاي نهايي فناوري اطلاعات ليست اولويتبندي شده پروژههاي جاري و بالقوه Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
جدول زماني Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure
ارتباط با ما Companies have succeeded and failed with both decentralized and centralized e-business structures e-business projects will ultimately be a normal part of business and fully integrated within the regular organizational structure