Welcome to East Union Home of the Lancers Mr. Mora Principal
EU ADMINISTRATION Mr. Raul Mora, Principal Mrs. Megan Peterson, Assistant Principal Mr. JJ Ramirez, Vice Principal (11/12) Mr. Aracely Sandoval, Vice Principal (9/10) Mrs. Jenaia Cano, Activities Director
EU COUNSELORS Mrs. Angeleena Sim, A – Ham Mrs. Susan Taiariol, Han – Q asim@musd.net Mrs. Susan Taiariol, Han – Q staiariol@musd.net Mr. Lori Pellegrino-Jackson, R – U, Special Ed lpellegrinojackson@musd.net Ms. Jessica Munoz, V – Z/Migrant, Special Ed, EL, AVID, CARE, Foster jmunoz@musd.net
COLLEGE READINESS Success 101 UC/CSU A-G requirements (C or higher) College Fairs College Speakers, CC opportunities: Early Start/HS transition Financial Aid
Career PATHWAYS Guest speakers Job shadowing Field trips ROP be.tech Academies
ADVANCED VIA DETERMINATION AVID’s mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.
ADVANCED VIA DETERMINATION Academic Criteria: Meet One or More of the Following Criteria: Average to high scores 2.0-3.5 or GPA College potential with support Desire and determination First Generation to go to 4 year college Historically Underrepresented and/or underserved For more information email Jessica Muñoz jmunoz@musd.net
C.A.R.E. Community Active Response to Education C.A.R.E. is a community classroom on a traditional school campus with the goal of supporting students who were not successful academically in prior school years. The majority of instruction in core academic courses will occur in one classroom with the C.A.R.E. teacher.
C.A.R.E. Community Active Response to Education Small Class Size (Max 22 Students) Tutoring Opportunities Study Skills and Organization Frequent Parent/Guardian Contact Involvement on Traditional Campus Core Instruction From One Teacher Career Exploration For more information please contact: Doug McCreath dmccreath@sjcoe.net Or Jessica Munoz jmunoz@musd.net
Positive HS Experience Lancers Lead……… Getting Involved!
ATHLETICS AT EU Fall Sports Winter Spring Football (Boys) Golf (Girls) Cross Country (Coed) Tennis (Girls) Volleyball (Girls) Basketball (Boys) Basketball (Girls) Wrestling (Coed) Soccer (Boys and Girls) Baseball (Boys) Softball (Girls) Tennis (Boys) Golf (Boys) Swimming (Coed) Volleyball (Boys) *Eligibility: Students must have a 2.0 or higher and less than two F’s.
Athletics and EU See the secretaries in the administration office for information on obtaining your red card. NCAA Clearing House
HIGH SCHOOL LIFE Get involved! Participate, find clubs, take a class you love, play sports, play music, sing, and/or cheer!
CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS FCCLA (Family Career Consumer Leaders of America) Folkloric Foreign Language Club French Club Future Farmers of America Gamers Club Interact Club of Manteca Italian Club Kendama Club Kiwins Link Crew Mecha Club Otaku Dynasty Pride Club Thespians Club Aquatic Club Asian Pacific Islander Club (API) “Art N Soul” Club Band Book Club BRIDGE Black Student Union Choir Club Club Hope Competition Club (Navy Seals) Creative Writing Club CSF Club Debate Club Dr. Miami Squad Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
EUHS ACTIVITIES There are many things to do at EU! Rallies, Homecoming, clubs, cheer, lunchtime activities and more! PLEASE CONTACT OUR ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR, MRS. JENAIA CANO, FOR MORE INFORMATION.
Graduation and College Requirements
A grade of “C” or better is required for A-G classes! If you aim for a “C” or better you will always be eligible!
COURSE SELECTION 2018-2019 Counselors will be doing group presentations at the Jr. Highs the week of March 5th to share course selection information. Counselors will go back to the Jr. Highs to have a 10 minute one-on-one meeting with students and parents regarding courses for 9th grade the week of March 12th and 19th. A letter with a time and date will be mailed to all parents inviting them to attend the meeting. 2018-2019
Sign up for important updates from the counselors! Remind Text: 81010 Message: @eu2022 Career Presentations Job Shadowing Field Trips Sign up for important updates from the counselors! Internship Opportunities College Visits Testing Dates
Gym will close at 7 PM THANK YOU! For more in depth information on clubs, sports and school activities please take some time to visit the tables in the gym.