Surfactant and polymer flooding – revisited Announcement Surfactant and polymer flooding – revisited Workshop Stavanger 9th of November 2005 Force Recovery Processes
Registration: Deadline: Friday 4th November 2005 Venue: Oljedirektoratet, Stavanger Professor Olav Hanssens vei 10 4021 Stavanger BK, 21.10.05
Programme: 09:00 Registration and coffee 09:45 Opening and Introduction 10:00 “Flash back and future opportunities” by Kirsti Veggeland, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate 10:30 “Surfactant flooding – International activity” by Arne Skauge, CIPR, University of Brgen 11:00 “Brage surfactant flooding – a feasibility study” by Tor Karlsen, Hydro Oil & Energy 11:30 Break 11:45 ”Water based IOR from fractured carbonates by wettability modification during thr production phase” by Tor Austad, University of Stavanger 12:15 ”Water control by chemical methods – potential for bullhead injection” by Pascal Cheneviere, Total 12:45 “Polymer injection in deep offshore context” by Danielle Morel, Total, Pau 13:15 Closing remarks 13:30 Lunch BK, 21.10.05