ASTHO Strategic Planning Assistance Presentation to the PIHOA Board Karl Ensign, Senior Director of Planning & Evaluation, ASTHO Bertha Taijeron, Performance Improvement Manager, Guam DPHSS Koror, Republic of Palau Wednesday, March 11th, 2015 Karl Introduce
Strategic Planning Overview Karl give overview
Our philosophy – quick, painless, no doorstops! Rapid cycle Relevant to the work we do, want to achieve Organizationally focused Builds on the foundation of existing reports & plans Integrates performance management Gets implemented! Karl give philosophy
Guam Strategic Planning Workshop October 7th – 10th, 2014 Pre-work in previous months Staff from all five divisions participated in-person Aligned with PH Accreditation Board (PHAB) pre-requisites Karl emphasize fulfilling accreditation pre-reqs
What we produced Mission, vision, and values statement Strategic work plan Performance management system Communication & implementation timeline Karl give overview of products
Step 1: Organize Karl
Guam DPHSS Core Planning Team Bertha Why this work was undertaken Background of NPHII
High expectations! Bertha
Step 2: Develop Mission, Vision, and Values Karl
The work begins… Vision Statement Mission Statement Why we exist, our purpose Vision Statement What we want to achieve, be known for Values What defines us Karl
Considered existing work… Division of Public Welfare To promote positive social conditions that contribute toward the attainment of the highest and social well being for the economically and socially disadvantaged populations within the Territory of Guam by developing an efficient and effective delivery system of services to eligible clients within the territory; by determining eligibility of applicants; by administering payments and various social services to remove social barriers which prevent persons from obtaining/maintaining the basic necessities of life to include safe and decent housing, medical care, nutritious foods and employment status. Division of Environmental Health To serve and protect the people of Guam from environmental hazards through education and the implementation of governing laws designed to prevent injuries, disabilities, diseases, and deaths. Division of Senior Citizens To plan, coordinate, implement, and evaluate programs and services, and to identify and leverage all possible resources towards promoting, maintaining, and protecting the total well-being of older persons (senior citizens age 60 years and older), while safeguarding their dignity, integrity, independence, values, and cultures. Division of Public Health DPHSS To assist the people of Guam in achieving and maintaining their highest levels of independence and self-sufficiency in health and social welfare Karl
…& took what we liked Karl
Mission: Vision: DPPHS Mission & Vision To assist the people of Guam in achieving and maintaining their highest levels of independence and self-sufficiency in health and social welfare Vision: Empowered people of healthy mind and body living in a safe environment throughout their lifetime. Bertha
DPHSS Values Customer-service oriented Dedicated to eliminating health disparities for all Professional and efficient government agency Responsive to health and social needs in the community DPHSS Values Bertha
Step 3: Scan Environment Karl
Environmental Scan Presentations by: Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS)/Division of General Administration Division of Environmental Health Division of Public Welfare Division of Senior Services Division of Public Health Bertha Overview of 5 divisions Unique approach in that it brought together staff from all 5 divisions
Environmental Scan – Synthesized Reports & Plans Karl
Teaching each other Karl emphasize how ASTHO synthesized reports and provided slides back for Division leads to present their data. Began the dialogue.
End of Day 1! Karl
Morning of Day 2!! Karl
Making sure we get it right! Karl emphasizes this aspect of planning. By incorporating prior plans and reports and identifying and prioritizing common trends, the remainder of the plan flows.
Bertha Through the environmental scan and SWOT, we identified common themes, challenges, and priorities
Step 4: Strategize Bertha
Beginning to prioritize Bertha – prioritizing themes from the environmental scan and develop workplan priorities.
Reality check – do we have the necessary staff, time & resources?? Karl emphasizes the importance of this step. Easy to get caught up in the planning and take on too much and nothing gets done.
Step 5: Develop Workplans Karl
Bertha Talk through top three priorities that were identified and some of the activities under each
Step 6: Evaluate Karl
Performance Management System – how we’ll know we’re getting there Karl emphasizes that a performance management system gives the plan traction by agreeing to make ourselves accountable and reporting on our progress.
Performance Management System – con’t Karl
Expectations met – great job!! Bertha – at the end we found we had met ALL our expectations!!
Leadership for Change Program
Contact Us: Karl Ensign Senior Director, Planning and Evaluation (571) 527-3143 Rebecca Brady Senior Analyst, Planning and Evaluation (571) 318-5408 Bertha