Lesson 19 Vocabulary Words Persuasion
Drought A time with little or no rain Last summer all the plants died because of the drought.
Dedicate Set aside for a special purpose Many athletes dedicate their awards to their families.
Overcome Defeated, or surprised I was overcome by happiness when I won the award.
Capitol A building where government meets Several 4th grade students went to visit the capitol.
Association A club or organization I joined an association in my community.
Violence Use of physical force Violence can lead to someone getting hurt.
Conflicts Disagreements or fights I had a conflict with my brother over what we would watch on TV.
Publicity Information given to the public to get attention I put up fliers to get publicity about my garage sale.
Brilliant Bright and shining The award Beyonce won was big and brilliant.
Horizon Where the earth meets the sky. I looked at the pretty sunset on the horizon.