Preventing Collection Incidents John Aliveto, CSP Montauk Energy Holdings, LLC November 28, 2016
Industry Statistics Waste Collection is one of the top 10 most dangerous industries in the United States 1 in 20 workers are injured and require some form of medical treatment annually 70% of all accidents and injuries are transportation related Workers aged 25 – 54 are the most at risk accounting for about 75% of all incidents Aliveto/Montauk Energy 2016
Collection Hazards Low light conditions Limited visibility due to natural phenomenon such as fog Congested work areas and road ways Dangerous intersections, etc. Distracted driving and other high risk behaviors such as speeding Rushed schedules and productivity demands Aliveto/Montauk Energy 2016
Hazard Prevention Provide and enforce the use of PPE and other safety devices for all employees Equip workers with lighted beacons or strobes on the front and back of clothing Add lighting to vehicles including multiple strobes/hazard lights and spot/flood lights for work areas Aliveto/Montauk Energy 2016
Hazard Prevention Use cameras for detecting objects that are hiding in blind spots and to record potential incidents for use as evidence in the future Promote good route planning and account for unique hazards in areas of high traffic, congestion, and cross traffic Prioritize safety above production at all levels Alter work schedules for weather and light conditions seasonally and when road or traffic conditions warrant a change Aliveto/Montauk Energy 2016