WARM UP Answer the following questions: 1. Who fought against each other in the Chinese Civil War? Which political ideology did China adopt as a result? 2. Who supported North Korea in the Korean War? Who supported the South? Where was Korea divided? 3. How many years did the Korean War last? How did a lot of Americans feel about the war? What was the immediate political impact of the war in the United States?
Escalating Cold War
Race for the H-Bomb 1949 - Soviet Union tested atomic bomb Truman vs Stalin race for the H-bomb – hydrogen bomb 67x more destructive than the atomic bomb Nov. 1, 1952 – US tested first H-bomb 1953 – Soviets tested H-bomb
Policy of Brinkmanship Sec of State, John Foster Dulles, staunch anti-communist Dulles proposed to threaten any aggressor communist nation with nuclear weapons Brinkmanship – the willingness of the US to go to the edge of all-out nuclear war US trimmed army/navy, expanded air force, increased nuclear weapon supply Constant fear of nuclear warfare
Nikita Khrushchev 1953 – Stalin died, a series of leaders take control for a few years until 1955 Nikita Khrushchev – Soviet leader who believed that communism would take over the world, however do this peacefully Favored a policy of coexistence in which US and USSR would compete economically and scientifically
Open-Skies Proposal July 1955 – Eisenhower met with Soviet leaders in Switzerland Eisenhower suggested “open-skies” proposal The US and USSR would allow flights over each other’s territory to guard against surprise nuclear attacks build trust and decrease tensions Soviets rejected the plan. However, seen as step towards global peacekeeping.
The Suez War 1955 – Egypt to build dam on Nile River Egypt played USSR and US to see who would give better aid GB and US agreed but US withdrew offer later Egypt angered and took control of the Suez Canal (owned by France and GB) France, GB, and Israel sent troops and seized a part of the canal UN stepped in troops withdrawn and canal in Egypt’s control
Eisenhower Doctrine USSR supported Egypt in the Suez War Soviet prestige to rise in the Middle East Eisenhower Doctrine – 1957, US would defend the Middle East against an attack by any communist country
CIA Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) – gov’t agency that used spies to gather information abroad, carried out covert (secret) operations to weaken or overthrow opposing gov’ts Established in 1947 Used extensively by Eisenhower’s administration to organize missions to prevent the spread of communism in the Middle East and Latin America Tested different types of weapons to study effectiveness (ex: psychedelics)
Hungarian Uprising 1956 – Hungary revolted against Soviet control for a democratic gov’t Soviet troops killed 30,000 Hungarians 200,000 Hungarians fled west Truman Doctrine promised aid to countries resisting Communist powers, the US did nothing to help Hungary Hungarians bitter and disappointed No UN help either, all proposals were vetoed by USSR
Space Race US vs USSR desire for international power/prestige Space Race Who can get a man into outer space first USSR victory – Oct. 4, 1957 – USSR launched Sputnik, first artificial satellite that took pictures of Earth as it orbited it US increased space funding Jan. 31, 1958 – US launched its first satellite
U-2 Incident “Open-skies” proposal rejected by USSR, however, US CIA continued to fly planes over USSR secretly to track military mov’t and missile sites U-2 plane – could fly at high altitudes without being detected By 1960, US officials nervous about U-2 program Existence and purpose of U-2 planes was an open secret among some American press Soviets had been aware of the flights for a few years Eisenhower called for the discontinuation of the U-2 program, but not before 1 last flight
U-2 Incident May 1, 1960 – Francis Gary Powers piloted a plane over Soviet territory Shot down Parachuted into Soviet territory Sentenced to 10 years in Soviet prison Released after 18 months in return for a Soviet agent convicted of spying in the US Came to be known as the U-2 Incident
The U-2 Incident Khrushchev demanded apology for spying U-2 planes Eisenhower agreed to stop flight, but would not apologize Khrushchev called off soon-to-be peace summit and withdrew Eisenhower’s invitation to visit the USSR Tensions growing between US and USSR