Emergency Services/Operations Safety Corporate Learning Course
Emergency Services/Operations Safety Main Points The wing’s responsibility in implementing the safety program Common incidences within the wing The wing safety program Corporate Learning Course
Emergency Services/Operations Safety Main Points Squadrons’ role in implementing the safety program Accident reporting Corporate Learning Course
Emergency Services/Operations Safety The wing’s responsibility in implementing the safety program Prevention Investigation After action Common incidences within the wing Overview Prevention of repeat occurrences Corporate Learning Course
Emergency Services/Operations Safety The wing program No-notice inspections Corporate Learning Course
Emergency Services/Operations Safety Squadrons’ role in implementing the safety program Corporate Learning Course
Emergency Services/Operations Safety Accident reporting Procedures Reasons for prompt and proper reporting Legal ramifications Corporate Learning Course
Emergency Services/Operations Safety Accident Reporting Reasons for prompt and proper reporting Insurance requirements Command responsibility Corporate Learning Course
Emergency Services/Operations Safety Summary Wing’s responsibility for implementation Common incidents The wing program Squadrons’ role in implementing the safety program Accident reporting Corporate Learning Course
Emergency Services/Operations Questions? Corporate Learning Course