Community based psycho-social support
WHAT is the best way to improve psychosocial wellbeing and mental health after an emergency?
How crisis can influence people Personally: Greaving Lost of control (SENSE of control) Lost of confidence (SENSE of confidence) Lost hope (SENSE of hope) Lost of trust Can not control any feelings (fear, helpless, agression) Thus, mental health and psychosocial problems in emergencies encompass far more than the experience of PTSD.
How crisis can influence people Socially: Discrimination Low access to basic services (education, medical services) Poverty Destroy of habitual life structure Lost support structures (family, community)
What is needed WHAT WE HAVE WHAT WE NEED Greaving Needs to be supported. Needs someone to share Lost of control/Confidence (SENSE OF…) Need to find areas we still can control Needs areas to be responsible for Needs rules, limits Lost hope (SENSE of hope) Needs plans for future Needs values, goals, dreams Lost of trust Needs trust to be Rebuilt Can not control any feelings (fear, helpless, agression) Needs guidance how to treat feelings Thus, mental health and psychosocial problems in emergencies encompass far more than the experience of PTSD.
What we want students to LEARN? Self confidence Sense of responsibility Empathy and cooperation Integration and socialization Non-aggressive and non-violence behavior How to build the picture of positive future Improve the relations with adults Build trust
Our personal attitudes Be present (physically and mentally) Give your full attention and positive feedback Be respectful See the positive quality in every child Listen and ask questions Be enthusiastic Be yourself Fix goals for your groups Be clear about the rules Resolve conflicts in a positive way
Key principles (MHPSS) Human rights and equity Community participation Do no harm Building on available resources and capacities Integrated Support Systems 6. Multi-layered support
Psycho-social interventions
Checklist for the field use
IASC Guidelines on Mental health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency settings 7. EDUCATION 7.1 Strengthen access to safe and supportive education Promote safe learning environments Make formal and informal education more supportive and relevant Strengthen access to quality education for all. Prepare and encourage educators to support learners' psychosocial well-being. Strengthen the capacity of the education system to support learners experiencing psychosocial and mental health difficulties.