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Introduction The Great War Upheaval on society Mass migration to USA Ideas of “Freedom” Frontier Myth European urban proletariate Lord peasant relation became wage exploitation
Chap 2 MASS CULTURE “Do onto other men, for they would do onto you” Golden rule ?
Chap 2 MASS CULTURE Mass culture refers to how culture gets produced, whereas popular culture refers to how culture gets consumed. Mass culture is culture which is mass produced, distributed, and marketed.
Chap 2 MASS CULTURE marketed.
Chap 2 MASS CULTURE Critical theory – ie not about quantity Horkheimer and Adorno explored the social role of culture
Chap 2 The failure of the proletariat after the russian overthrow of the monarchy Stuff-- Even Marx said stuff was essential to have a communist revolution Tv- complacency
Chap 2 Market fetishization Commoditization Worship of things Humanity is about making things and craft Define a community and a culture ? Their dress their music their customs architecture and production of goods as craft define a CULTURE.
Chap 2 So mass culture is the commoditized culture Mass produced generic goods and big box buildings Modernization The value of labor is not returned in capital Nor commodities
Chap 2 The second half of this equation of this modernization equation Instrumental reason Cold --- Rationalization of society And Technical efficiency
Chap 2 Why do businesses exist?
Chap 2 Why do businesses exist? In the past 30 years The answer has been becoming “TO MAKE PROFIT” [as much as possible] ENTITLEMENT of the monied elite
Chap 2 Why do businesses exist? To provide goods or service to customers and provide a beneficial relationship with the suppliers, it workers and the community. STAKE HOLDERS not SHARE HOLDERS By fulfilling its part of the social contract It is REWARDED with profit.
Chap 2 Instrumental reason Maximize profits Rational results – no human factor Leads to ends-over means logic in business
Chap 2 Reification ie Thing – culture Alienation of labor Fredrick Winslow Taylor Scientific management / man as machine No emotion nor personal consideration Human resources versus personell
Chap 2 What of enlightenment and reason Mechanization of art reproduction Art for profit It was not always the case Premodern it was the very fabric of society
Chap 2 What of enlightenment and reason Enlightenment hailed the age of the individual and freedom Mechanization of art reproduction Art for profit It was not always the case Premodern it was the very fabric of society
Chap 2 The fetishization of music – and other culture Music was separated into serious and popular music as is visual art with “art” film and Mass media In singing and in film stars emerged and producers saw money.
Chap 2 Amateur music with all its charm and tradition and social aspects Has been brutalized by professional performance mass produced and distributed The barbarism of perfection Inhuman in its mechanical flawlessness Recording studio versus coffee house