Socioeconomic influences on health status
“the wealthier you are, the healthier you are”
Low socioeconomic groups are at risk of: • Lower health status • Shorter LE (-3yrs) • Higher morbidity and mortality (including IMR) • Lower quality of life
Characteristics Low SES groups experience the following: Higher rates of morbidity Higher rates of mortality across nearly all causes of death Higher rates of hospitalisation Higher rates of cancers overall, particularly lung Higher rates of health problems (2x) Increased rate of suicide (both men and women)
Characteristics cont… Increased rates of stroke; Increased rate of respiratory disorders; Increased morbidity and mortality associated with motor vehicle accidents;
Lower socioeconomic status are more likely to have the Biological Determinants Lower socioeconomic status are more likely to have the following conditions: Overweight/obesity Hypertension Diabetes (2x) CVD Low birth weight babies (30-40% more likely) –
Behavioural Determinants Lower socioeconomic status are more likely to: Smoke regularly Be less physically active Drink alcohol at harmful doses Have a poorer diet (↓F&V) Consult doctors more often Use preventative health care less often e.g. immunisation
Social Determinants Lower levels of education are a main cause of poor health status More likely to be unemployed Higher rates of social exclusion Less income is available for medical care not covered by Medicare
Social Determinants Food insecurity where less income is available to buy a wide variety of food Lower education means less choices of occupations. Manual/menial jobs may increase risk factors for injury, boredom, stress Housing conditions are likely to be poorer, overcrowded, inadequate cooking facilities Clip: Health Inequalities – Social Determinants of Health
Strategies ‘A Fairer Victoria 2008’ a state government • aimed at initiative • aimed at strengthening communities and people • addressing social disadvantage and promoting inclusion and participation • improving education • helping people into work • improving health and wellbeing • developing livable communities
Revise Use the determinants of health to explain the health status of different socio-economic groups in Australia.