Are you ready to rumble? Trenton, Princeton & Saratoga Standard 8.25
Hessians Mercenaries from Germany who fought for the British
Battle of Trenton December 1776 Patriot: George Washington British: Hessians Patriots surprise attack on Christmas 1776 First win since Dorchester Heights Patriots were on the offensive
Battle of Princeton January 3, 1777 Patriot commander: Washington British commander: Cornwallis Outcome: Patriots win! Cornwallis kicked out of New Jersey
British Strategy: Cut off New England British general John Burgoyne’s army would move south from Canada, take Ft. Ticonderoga, and go to Albany Gen. Howe’s army would sail up the Hudson River from NY and meet Burgoyne’s army
Battle of Saratoga October 1777 Patriot: Horatio Gates British: William Howe and John Burgoyne What was supposed to happen: British troops come from the south (NY) and North (Canada)
Battle of Saratoga What actually happened: Howe captures Philadelphia---did not follow plan--oops Burgoyne surrounded and forced to surrender
Saratoga is the turning point in the war!!!! After the American victory, France lent her support with money, troops, and supplies.