Reminders Rhetorical Analysis – write rough draft tonight – bring to class for peer revision tomorrow Bring BOTH Rhetorical Analysis papers to class this Friday. I will select one to collect for a grade. Vocabulary Unit 9 Full Quiz – Friday, 12/8
Visual Text Analysis: Waiting for Superman Today, we will be viewing Waiting for Superman, and the goal is to analyze and evaluate the director, Davis Guggenheim’s argument throughout the documentary. As you watch the documentary, keep track of the use of ethos/pathos/logos and how Guggenheim uses it.
Outliers: Chapters 8, 9, Epilogue According to Gladwell, what is the reason that Asians excel at mathematics? Discuss the cultural and educational differences that he points to as explanation. Chapter 9 What connections can you make between this chapter and Waiting for Superman? Epilogue Explain how Gladwell himself is an Outlier. Use his definition/criteria of what an Outlier is as your basis.
Outliers, Pulling it All Together What did you find most surprising, humorous or thought- provoking in Gladwell's book? Any "ah-ha!" moments? Any-thing strike you as dubious? Have you come away thinking differently than before? What, if anything, do you feel you've learned? Gladwell gives differing definitions of intelligence. Yet his definition of success is singular—"worldly" success in terms of wealth, power, and fame. Are there also differing definitions of success that Gladwell doesn't consider? If so, what are they, and what does it take to achieve those versions of success?