Faculty Awards and Honors University of Oklahoma, October 2018 Overview - Norman Campus
Norman Campus - Faculty and Staff Awards Faculty Awards Provost’s Staff Awards David L. Boren Professorship Jennifer L. Wise Good Stewardship David Ross Boyd Professorship Outstanding Academic Advising Award George Lynn Cross Professorship Outstanding Academic Advising Administrator Award Presidential Professorship Outstanding New Advisor (PAC-AA) Regents’ Professorship Regents’ Awards Henry Daniel Rinsland Memorial Award for Excellence in Educational Research Good Teaching Award General Education Teaching Award Merrick Teaching Award VPR Awards for Outstanding Research and Creative Activity
Committees Research Council (Norman) University Council on Faculty Awards and Honors (Norman/HSC) Presidential Professorship Selection Committee (Norman) George Lynn Cross Professorship David L. Boren Professorship Presidential Professorship Henry Daniel Rinsland Memorial Award for Excellence in Educational Research David Ross Boyd Professorship VPR Awards for Outstanding Research and Creative Activity Regents’ Professorship* Regents’ Awards Good Teaching Award General Education Teaching Award Merrick Teaching Award
Timeline Deans’ Offices Set Deadlines for Receipt of Packets Committee Meetings and Discussions President’s Recommendations are due to Board members 20 days before March meeting Recipient Names are Confidential until Announced Materials due to Provost’s Office and CRPDE Presidential approval of budget and awards GLC Due to CRPDE Committee Recs Due to Provost Board of Regents Meeting MARCH Awards Ceremony - APRIL Dean Deadlines Late OCT – Mid- NOV Late NOV Mid-FEB SEPT JANUARY By FEB 1 Board votes on recommendations for recipients Provost Issues Call for Nominations Nominations Distributed to Committees Provost’s Recommendations due to President • By Policy, the call for nominations must be go out by end of September.
Regents’ Awards Superior Teaching Superior Research and Creative Activity Superior Professional and University Service and Public Outreach Criteria, Nomination, Selection, etc., set by Regents’ policy Up to 9 awards to all campuses with majority to Teaching Units limited to two nominations across all Regents’ awards Centrally funded (Nor)
Distinguished Professorships David L. Boren Professorship David Ross Boyd Professorship George Lynn Cross Research Professorship Regents’ Professorship Presidential Professorship Criteria, Nomination, Selection, etc., set by Regents’ policy Centrally funded except for the Presidential Professorship (Norman)
Distinguished Professorships George Lynn Cross Research Professorship – “…demonstrated outstanding leadership over a period of years in his or her field of learning or creative activity and have been recognized by peers for distinguished contributions to knowledge or distinguished creative work.” David Ross Boyd Professorship – “… demonstrated outstanding teaching, guidance, and leadership for students in an academic discipline or in an interdisciplinary program within the University”
Distinguished Professorships Regents’ Professorship – “…rendered outstanding service to the academic community or to an academic or professional discipline through extraordinary achievement in academic administration or professional service.” David L. Boren Professorship – “…demonstrated outstanding teaching, research and creative activity, and leadership or service.”
Regents’ Professorship “… shall be presented to the Board of Regents by the President after conferring with the Chair of the Board of Regents, the Chair of the appropriate Faculty Senate, and the University Council on Faculty Awards and Honors.” “Recommendations for the appointment may be made to the President by any academic unit, administrative officer, or faculty member, but such recommendations are not required.”
Presidential Professorship “…excel in all their professional activities and who relate those activities to the students they teach and mentor.” Endowed – OU Foundation Assistant and Associate Professors - $5K/year Full Professors - $10K/year Some are restricted (College/Department) Unrestricted awards also available Funding levels can determine number available and rank Committee chaired by Provost and VPR