SASU manual: sampling issues Task Force sub-group 6 Task Force on Victimization Eurostat 14-15 February 2012 SASU manual: sampling issues
TF sub-group 6: sampling issues Sample Selection Precision Requirements Precision Requirements in SASU by Martins Liberts Sample Weighting Construction of sample weights for the EU Safety Survey (EU-SASU) by Guillaume Osier
Sample Selection Target population Persons 16+ living in private households No collective households or institutions No homeless persons Exceptions for small parts of the national territory (Annex II)
Sample Selection Sampling design Sampling frame, e.g. National population register RDD Master sample Sampling design (regulation: nationally representative probability sample) e.g. Simple random sampling Stratified sampling Multi-stage sampling Systematic random sampling
Sample Selection Survey units for sampling Sample of persons or households Only one person per household Survey units for data collection Selected person Administrative sources for technical variables and information on socio-demographic background only Survey units for analysis Persons (crimes affecting the person) Households (crimes affecting the household)
Sample Selection Questions to the TF Target Population: Reference date? Overlaps or inconsistency between sub-groups: sub-group 5: 2. Age limits Frames/designs not mentioned in the paper
Precision Requirements in SASU by Martins Liberts Precision Requirements in the Regulation defined by the effective sample size expressed as number of persons set for the estimates of main indicators prevalence rates of crimes affecting the person and of crimes affecting the household
Precision Requirements in SASU Design Effect Deff1: effect of sampling design (stratification effect, clusterization effect) Deff2: effect of estimator Deff3: effect of non-sampling errors (non-response, over-coverage)
Precision Requirements in SASU The Estimation of the Initial Sample Size maximum design effect selected from the estimates of the indicators The Evaluation of the Precision two options: - by computing the achieved effective sample size - by computing the variance of the indicator of interest (proportion of persons or households)
Precision Requirements Questions to the TF Manual: what should be covered by the manual? what is useful and important for the countries? Further considerations regarding the Quality Report: - Main indicators: which one? how to calculate prevalence rates? - Quality: what is acceptable? rules for publications?
Task Force sub-group 6 SASU manual: sampling issues Thank you for your attention Please address queries to: Barbara Bauer Martins Liberts Petr Nosal Guillaume Osier