The Rainbow Fish
Illinois Learning Standards CC.1.R.L.1 Key Ideas and Details: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. CC.1.R.L.2 Key Ideas and Details: Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson. CC.1.SL.1 Comprehension and Collaboration: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. 26.A.1b Drama: Understand the tools of body, mind, voice and simple visual/aural media and the processes of planning, practicing and collaborating used to create or perform drama/theatre. 26.B.1b Drama: Demonstrate individual skills (e.g., vocalizing, listening, moving, observing, concentrating) and group skills (e.g., decision making, planning, practicing, spacing) necessary to create or perform story elements and characterizations.
Resources The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister
The Rainbow Fish
Questions Are rainbow fish real? If so, what are some characteristics? In the book, why do you think Rainbow Fish did not want to give his scales away? How would you feel if Rainbow Fish ignored you? What did Rainbow Fish learn from visiting the octopus? At the end of the book, how many scales did Rainbow Fish have left? Why do you think it is important to share?
Task Divide students into groups of four Students will make a list of ways to be a good person Choose one personality trait from their list to perform to the class Next, the students will come up with a two minute skit to act out the trait being used Each member of the group will have specific roles to contribute Students will present their skit to the class
Role Descriptions Rainbow Fish- Narrator Little Blue Fish- Actor 1 Student will prepare the narration for the skit and then narrate the skit during the performance Little Blue Fish- Actor 1 Student will prepare their lines for the skit and act out the personality trait for the class Little Red Fish- Actor 2 Octopus- Explainer Student will explain the trait and the moral of the skit after the skit is performed
You are one step closer to becoming a great person. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are one step closer to becoming a great person.
5 Teacher Extensions Acquire a aquarium full of rainbow fish for the students to maintain Research and report on rainbow fish Craft day- make your own rainbow fish Ex. Using colorful tissue paper, paint Give students homework to perform a good deed and then write about their experience Write a fiction short story, including a moral
Evaluation Students will be evaluated on their presentation skills, creativity, and group work. The skit must be as long as required and demonstrate a trait effectively.
References Video: Rainbowfishes by Gerald Allen Rainbow Fish and the Sea Monsters Cave by Marcus Pfister Rainbowfish by Gunther Schmida Video: Rainbowfishes by Gerald Allen