Welcome to 5th GrAde
Data doesn’t Define your child… it drives our instruction
Reading Data by Assessment Math Data by Standard Student BOY Independent Nov Independent MOY Independent EOY Independent STAR - September STAR - November STAR - March 1 N P 274 307 2 R 503 650 3 Q 365 420 4 T 641 761 5 S U 453 475 Student 5.NBT.1 5.NBT.3a 5.NBT.3b 5.NBT.3 5.NBT.2 5.NBT.5 5.NBT.6 1 2 3 4 5
Contact Information Counselor Miss Boals – ext 8889 Jboals@globalccs.org Math Intervention Mr. Flory – ext 8936 Rflory@globalccs.org Reading/Sci-SS/Homeroom Mrs. Mullen – ext 8844 Jmullen@globalccs.org Special Education Mrs. Jackson – ext 8994 Mjackson@globalccs.org Reading Intervention Mrs. Payne – ext 8854 Jpayne@globalccs.org Math/Sci-SS/Homeroom Mrs. Ptak – ext 8916 Kptak@globalccs.org Writing/Sci-SS/Homeroom Mrs. Winkler – ext 8928 Twinkler@globalccs.org ENL – English as a New Language Miss Zablonski – ext 8837 Azablonski@globalccs.org GCCS Main # - 821-1903
Communication -Agenda and Take Home Folder – Please check daily -Newsletter – These are sent out monthly to notify parents of what is going on in class. -Email -Website - https://gccs5thgrade.wordpress.com/
Allergies -Birthdays -Parties
MAth Teacher – Mrs. Ptak Mr. Flory will push into all three classes sometime during the week Mrs. Jackson is in with Mrs. Mullen’s homeroom daily Math Facts HW and Review Blue or Purple Sheets - Binder
Reading Teacher – Mrs. Mullen Mrs. Payne will push into all three classes sometime during the week Mrs. Jackson is in with Mrs. Mullen’s homeroom daily Reading Log – Daily – See Example HW – 30 minutes with notes Units of Study – Reading Workshop Running Records and Reading on Level Book Orders
Writing Teacher – Mrs. Winkler Mrs. Jackson and Ms. Zablonski will push in with Mrs. Mullen’s homeroom daily Academic Vocab and Grammar (Mentor Sentences) HW – Student choice based on daily goals Units of Study – Writing Workshop Conferencing
Science and Social Studies Taught in homeroom Interactive Notebooks Rotation HW on occasion and studying
Grades *Assessment – 50% - Tests, quizzes, projects *Classwork – 40% - Class assignments *Engagement – 10% - Homework, class participation, Dojo Points *Binders
Absenteeism Homeroom begins at 7:45 - Get organized and complete MW After 8:00 – Kids are officially late Students begin switching classes at 8:03
Rewards and Consequences *Class Dojo – Note in Agenda - Fun Friday, Lunch Bunch etc… *Detention – Negates After School Participation *ISS Lunch, ISS or OSS