Peer editing day Take out your IRR rough draft. I will be coming around to check that it meets the requirements for today’s activity. In the meantime please refresh your memory on the PT1 Component 1 Rubric.
Peer Editing It is absolutely vital that students provide constructive, honest feedback to each other in order to ensure the effectiveness of the essay. Each essay will be scored based on the Capstone Scoring Guide requirements for CBPT1. For the 1st round of edits, students will be reading and evaluating each other's papers using the following criteria:
Criteria 1 Students must put (1) substantial comment on each page of the draft they are editing. Comments may consist of any of the following (Please initial your comments) a. Supporting Questions: What questions do you think of as you read the essay that may help drive additional research or drill down deeper into the topic? b. Insightful Commentary: Information that the peer-editor provides to expand upon the content of the essay. c. Constructive Feedback: In an honest, respectful manner, identify any specific areas of improvement to content, style, syntax, etc.
Criteria 2 Identify proofreading errors by placing a vertical highlight over any area of error (capitalization, punctuation, grammar, spelling, etc).
Criteria 3 Each student should score the paper he/she is editing based on rows 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 of the College Board rubric. Each student will mark their score on the back of the paper being edited and should clearly mark the score for each row.
criteria 4 On the back of the rubric, each student must identify the paper's biggest area of improvement and briefly explain why/how to improve.
Course of action… After each group member finishes the paper he/she is reading, then all members should pass the paper with rubric to the next person. This process will repeat until all papers are back to their respective authors. When your entire group has finished the activity then report to Ms. Overton so that she can check to see it was completed and then start on your individual revisions using your peers’ feedback. Next class you will begin working on your group’s multi-media presentations. Keep in mind that you only have about a day of class time to work on these. Please be prepared to collaborate outside of class! Also remember your remaining deadlines for PT1.