Average Annual Percent Cost Increase since 1999: EID Water, cost for 1500 cf per month & national CPI-U detail for water, wastewater, & solid waste
Total (Cumulative) Percent Cost Increase since 1999: EID Water, cost for 1500 cf per month & national CPI-U detail for water, wastewater, & solid waste
Comparison of CPI-U All Items Index with Detail Index for Water and Sewer and Trash Collection Services using index values reported for December of each year Earliest data for the Detail Index is from year Detail data is extrapolated from the trend line using quadratic curve fit.
Comparison of CPI-U All Items Index with Detail Index for Water and Sewer and Trash Collection Services Quantified as proportion of 1996 value Earliest data for the Detail Index is from year Detail data is extrapolated from the trend line using quadratic curve fit.
Comparison of CPI-U All Items Index with Detail Index for Water and Sewer and Trash Collection Services Quantified as percentage of 1996 value Earliest data for the Detail Index is from year Detail data is extrapolated from the trend line using quadratic curve fit (order 2 polynomial).
Comparison of change in CPI-U Detail Index for Water and Sewer and Trash Collection Services with change in EID Water Rates Earliest data for the Detail Index is from year Detail data is extrapolated from the trend line using quadratic curve fit (order 2 polynomial).
Comparison of change in CPI-U Detail Index for Water and Sewer and Trash Collection Services with change in EID Water Rates 2001: 13.3% rate cut in pumped zone (9.2% cut for entire district) 2009: 5.6% rate cut relative to 2008 pumped rates: Rates changed to use one rate schedule for all customers, rate formulas changed to use 70/30 cost recovery.