Kentucky School for the Blind KSB celebrated their 175th year! There were five graduates at KSB this spring and all have post- secondary work or school plans. Seven KSB students co-authored, the book “We Can Hear You Just Fine”. KSB students have the opportunity to work in the summer at the Louisville Zoo and Kentucky Kingdom. Two KSB students were inducted into the National Honor Society. In January, all students received one-to-one mobile devices based on their visual needs (laptops, I-pads or Braille readers).
Kentucky School for the Deaf KSD had 13 seniors: seven plan to attend a college or technical school, five have post-secondary employment, and one is undecided. For the first time ever, a KSD student passed the KOSSA! The STLP team finished in the top ten. There were several students who had top place finishes in the Agriculture Field Day at the University of Kentucky. The KSD culinary team won several awards this year. They presented at the state fair this fall. KSD shares their CTE program with the local high school. They offer Informatics, Culinary Arts, Manufacturing Engineering, Horticulture and Small Animal Science. Beginning a teacher pathway.
Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) Facilities DLS is conducting on-site monitoring visits at all DJJ facilities in districts selected for the Consolidated State Monitoring (CSM) process Additional facilities will also be monitored Emphasis is being placed on shared IDEA responsibilities between districts and DJJ facilities Developing an MOU between KDE and DJJ is a priority to ensure everyone is on the same page Discussions are underway with DJJ to conduct at least some joint monitoring visits. Citations/CAPS are issued to both the district and DJJ facility, as appropriate. Reminder: District and DJJ staff should be sharing pertinent educational data with one another to ensure FAPE is occurring for all students housed in these facilities. This includes evaluation data, IEPs, progress monitoring and discipline data.
Child Count-Due December 15 Personnel Data-Due December 15 Due Dates for Special Education Data Required Under Section 618 of IDEA Child Count-Due December 15 Snapshot of child’s status on December 1 annually Personnel Data-Due December 15 Annual count of Special Education Personnel in Full Time Equivalency (FTE) as of December 1 Discipline Data-Due June 30 Annual Count of Disciplinary Removals Throughout the School Year Exiting Data-Due July 17 Annual Count of Children Who Exited Special Education at Any Time during the School Year
ESSA 1% CAP Update ESSA changed 1% cap to be based on the participation rate rather than the proficiency rate. ESSA placed the 1% cap on the state participation rate for each content area, based on the total number of all students in the state assessed in the content area (for ELA, mathematics, and science).
ESSA 1% CAP Update States cannot place a cap on participation rates of districts; however, KDE will require districts to provide justification if the 1% cap is exceeded. States must make LEA data publicly available (as long as no PII is shown).
ESSA 1% CAP Update If the state’s data indicate it will exceed the 1% cap, it must request a waiver from the requirement (for each subject area). The request should be completed 90 days before start of testing window.
ESSA 1% CAP Update KDE’s participation rate for 2015-16 was approximately 1.1% KDE/DLS submitted a waiver on August 7, 2017. Awaiting response from OSEP.
State Defined Alternative Diploma (optional) Be Standards based Aligned with state requirements for the regular high school diploma Obtained within the same time period for which the state must ensure the availability of FAPE under Section 612 (a) (1) of the IDEA.
State Defined Alternative Diploma Question asked by several states, including Kentucky: If states choose to develop a state-defined alternate diploma, does earning the alternate diploma terminate the requirements of providing free appropriate public education (FAPE)?
State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) DLS received a no-cost extension for the previous SPDG. Focus of the no-cost extension is extensive professional learning around the alternate assessment.
State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) 2017 2017 grant application was funded - $5 million over a 5 year period Goal 1: To improve the capacity to implement and sustain multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS). Goal 2: To improve student achievement multiple, sustained professional learning strategies that supports a MTSS.
Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) The U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) has developed an accountability framework, called Results Driven Accountability (RDA). RDA seeks to balance the educational results and functional outcomes for children with disabilities with the compliance requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Includes States’ development of a State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) comprehensive multi-year plan as part of its Annual Performance Report (APR)—Indicator 17
Implementation Science New way of work—not a new initiative Focus of the SSIP Support elementary and middle school teachers in the general education setting Improve student outcomes in 8th grade mathematics Sustain what’s working
Multi-Phase Plan April 2015 April 2016 April 2017—April 2020 The State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) is a multi-phase plan that states develop to support districts in effectively implementing evidence based practices. We submitted phase III in April and will submit an updated Phase III in April 2018.
State Performance Plan / Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) Evaluation of the state’s implementation of Part B of the IDEA and how it will improve Used by OSEP to measures / monitors the state to make its annual Determinations KY received a Meets Determination
State Performance Plan / Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) Evaluation of the state’s implementation of Part B of the IDEA and how it will improve Used by OSEP to measures / monitors the state to make its annual Determinations KY received a Meets Determination