Do We Have The Mind Of Christ? Phil. 2:5-11
Do We Have The Mind Of Christ? Philippians 2:5-11
John 4:34 “My meat is to do the will of Him who sent Me…” Do we find FOOD for our souls in doing God’s will? Do we feel FULFILLED in doing God’s will? Do we feel DISGRUNTLED toward doing the work?
John 5:19 Jesus could do “nothing of Himself ” Because of His love for the Father. Our love must compel us to do the work of God. Jesus could only do what He saw the Father do.
John 6:38 His purpose was to do the will of the Father This is our purpose (John 17:18; Matt. 28:19). This is our calling (2 Tim. 1:9).
Where Doctrine Comes From John 7:16 John 8:26 John 8:28 His words were the words of the Father (John 15:15). Not I, but Christ!
Desires To Please God John 8:29 John 9:4 Are we trying to please the Father? Is our love driving our daily service to God?
His Words Were Not His Own John 12:49-50 John 14:10 John 14:24 Jesus dwelt in God, we are to abide in Jesus (John 15:7). We have trouble removing ourselves from our conversations.
Do We Have The Mind Of Christ? Doing the Lord’s will is all that matters. We can’t do anything apart from God. Our doctrine comes from God. We desire to please God. We allow God to use us as His instrument.