Resource Ready Susan Lenihan A template to support your organization’s professional learning and development Created by: Susan Lenihan Jenna Voss Colleen Kinsella Please edit and use as you see fit to support your organization’s professional development activities. Contact the authors for additional guidance or to see further examples of this Resource Ready in use.
Pecha Kucha or Ignite or … Resource Ready Pecha Kucha - 20 slides, 20 seconds Resource Ready - 5 slides, 20 seconds Slide 1 Name, URL, Brief Description Slide 2, 3, 4, What We Found That Was Interesting or Useful Slide 5 How This Resource Might Support Our Work You may have heard of a Pecha Kucha which is a type of presentation designed to engage participants in a fast-paced discussion of topics. Another model of this is called Ignite. For our work we’re having each team of professionals complete an adaptation of the Pecha Kucha, which we’re calling Resource Ready, using 5 slides on some of our favorite resources for professionals who work with children and families living in poverty. These “Resource Ready” templates can be posted to the organization’s shared drive for professional development. At a recent professional development day at Central Institute for the Deaf, each of 8 teams worked for 20 minutes to complete one document that was compiled and then remained available to all at CID. On the following slides you’ll see a model that we completed on the ACES too High News website.
Our Sample: Slide 1 ACES too High News ACESTooHigh is a news site that reports on research about adverse childhood experiences, including developments in epidemiology, neurobiology, and the biomedical and epigenetic consequences of toxic stress. We also cover how people, organizations, agencies and communities are implementing practices based on the research. This includes developments in education, juvenile justice, criminal justice, public health, medicine, mental health, social services, and cities, counties and states.
Slide 2: What we found that was interesting or useful The ACE survey and Resilience questionnaire with resource rich comments and interesting “pingbacks” such as: Pingback: In Search of Safe Adults and Compassionate Schools: Part 1 - This is Personal - Living in Dialogue
Slide 3 What we found that was interesting or useful News stories of successful programs
Slide 4 What we found that was interesting or useful Links to webinars on brain development and addiction Resources including video clips explaining the research
Slide 5 How This Resource Might Support Our Work We could sign up for the ACES Connection is for people who are implementing — or thinking about implementing — trauma-informed and resilience-building practices based on ACEs research. If you join, you automatically receive a daily digest with summaries and links to the latest news, research and reports about ACEs research and implementation, plus a weekly roundup of activity within the network. ACEsConnection members post blogs, photos, videos, and events; they can find, message and chat with others who are working on similar projects. They participate in groups. There are topic-based groups….for pediatricians, educators, people in criminal justice, for the faith-based community. There are geographic-based groups….for cities, counties and states.